Series 2: For My Sistahs: Breaking Free From Negativity

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Hello to all my beautiful sistahs. I’m back with some profound and positive knowledge. In Series 1, I spoke about how the brothas are complaining about the attitudes and inappropriate behaviors from some of us. As I contemplated on this topic, I was inspired by the lack of self-esteem, self-love, and self-hatred some of us are experiencing within ourselves. I remember Nas rapping about how some women are lost, in “Black Girl Lost”. “Black Girl Lost”, in my opinion is the most realist and eye opening song created by a rapper. He goes on to explain, how we as women at times demean ourselves, morals, conscious, and beliefs to be in the “in crowd” and for the opposite sex.
So I propose a question to you sistahs, Are you hopeless and lost?
First off, if you can admit to being hopeless and lost, than you are on the right track to self-preservation and self-restoration. You have to be willing to look yourself in the mirror and do something about the self-hatred, lack of self-esteem and lack of self-love. Do you see the connection with the word, “self”? If not let me break it down for you. Self is defined as your consciousness of your OWN identity. We all have some unresolved issues/emotional baggage that lie within self. That shouldn’t give us a pass to go around walking with our heads down, disrespecting ourselves and others, accepting abuse and inappropriateness, and just remaining unhealthy. I believe if you have faith in a higher being and if you are willing to seek professional guidance and apply the guidance in one’s life, than you are on the road to a healthier and renewed you. If you are willing to change than you have to put in the work for change. Change doesn’t occur overnight!
Sistahs quit fashioning after another  sistah’s pursuits, goals, looks and success. You don’t know what that individual had to lose or suffer to obtain that certain agenda. What the creator has in store for you is for you and only you. Don’t lose your dignity and respect because you want to be a copy cat. Be original and creative and pursue your own dreams, goals, looks and personality. Embrace your uniqueness!  For example, if your lifelong goal is to be a professional dancer or actress, do you think you have to demean and degrade yourself as some do in music videos to gain attention? Of course not! I would rather have my dignity and respect at the end of the day, instead of compromising due to letting others influence my thinking. Be an independent thinker and go against the grain.
Sistahs, we need to cease the self hatred and the hatred of one another. Why must we be so negative towards one another? So what if she has on a pair of Jimmy Choo’s  shoes and she is wearing Dior Homme, be thankful for whatever pair of shoes and perfume you are wearing and can afford. She may have sold her soul for those material things. Let’s uplift, encourage, and support one another. We have no right to place judgment on anyone.  Embrace the skin that you are in. Whether you are light skinned, dark skinned, round, slim,have natural hair or relaxed hair, we are all beautiful. God created us in his imagine and that is an amazing thing to know. Beauty is only skin deep. Being beautiful on the outside and empty on the inside is useless, transparent, and limited. Outer beauty maybe able to get doors open but having character can keep them open.
Let’s continue to destroy the cycle by discovering the true essence of one by being positive, healthy, loving, and liberated. Surround yourself with like-minded people who are interested in growth, health, and living life your fullest. Misery loves company and we all should refuse to participate in a miserable existence.
Until next time, take care and I love you all!

Hello to all my beautiful sistahs. I’m back with some profound and positive knowledge. In Series 1, I spoke about how the brothas are complaining about the attitudes and inappropriate behaviors from some of us. As I contemplated on this topic, I was inspired by the lack of self-esteem, self-love, and self-hatred some of us are experiencing within ourselves. I remember Nas rapping about how some women are lost, in “Black Girl Lost”. “Black Girl Lost”, in my opinion is the most realist and eye opening song created by a rapper. He goes on to explain, how we as women at times demean ourselves, morals, conscious, and beliefs to be in the “in crowd” and for the opposite sex. Today we’re talking about Breaking free from the negativity.

So I propose a question to you sistahs, Are you hopeless and lost? Breaking free from negativity is a must.

First off, if you can admit to being hopeless and lost, than you are on the right track to self-preservation and self-restoration. You have to be willing to look yourself in the mirror and do something about the self-hatred, lack of self-esteem and lack of self-love. Do you see the connection with the word, “self”? If not let me break it down for you. Self is defined as your consciousness of your OWN identity. We all have some unresolved issues/emotional baggage that lie within self. That shouldn’t give us a pass to go around walking with our heads down, disrespecting ourselves and others, accepting abuse and inappropriateness, and just remaining unhealthy. I believe if you have faith in a higher being and if you are willing to seek professional guidance and apply the guidance in one’s life, than you are on the road to a healthier and renewed you. If you are willing to change than you have to put in the work for change. Change doesn’t occur overnight!

Sistahs quit fashioning after another sistah’s pursuits, goals, looks and success. You don’t know what that individual had to lose or suffer to obtain that certain agenda. What the creator has in store for you is for you and only you. Don’t lose your dignity and respect because you want to be a copy cat. Be original and creative and pursue your own dreams, goals, looks and personality. Embrace your uniqueness!  For example, if your lifelong goal is to be a professional dancer or actress, do you think you have to demean and degrade yourself as some do in music videos to gain attention? Of course not! I would rather have my dignity and respect at the end of the day, instead of compromising due to letting others influence my thinking. Be an independent thinker and go against the grain.

Sistahs, we need to cease the self hatred and the hatred of one another. Why must we be so negative towards one another? So what if she has on a pair of Jimmy Choo’s  shoes and she is wearing Dior Homme, be thankful for whatever pair of shoes and perfume you are wearing and can afford. She may have sold her soul for those material things. Let’s uplift, encourage, and support one another. We have no right to place judgment on anyone.  Embrace the skin that you are in. Whether you are light skinned, dark skinned, round, slim,have natural hair or relaxed hair, we are all beautiful. God created us in his imagine and that is an amazing thing to know. Beauty is only skin deep. Being beautiful on the outside and empty on the inside is useless, transparent, and limited. Outer beauty maybe able to get doors open but having character can keep them open. We must break free from this cycle of negativity.

Let’s continue to destroy the cycle by discovering the true essence of one by being positive, healthy, loving, and liberated. Surround yourself with like-minded people who are interested in growth, health, and living life your fullest. Misery loves company and we all should refuse to participate in a miserable existence. We should refuse negativity and break free from the negativity.

Until next time, take care and I love you all!

Lookout for the next Series, this has been Series 2: For My Sistahs: Breaking Free From Negativity

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