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Verbal Abuse – Isn’t It Ironic?

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“Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” What an ironic declaration! These words are often spoken–perhaps to protect the fragile human ego–with intentions to circumvent the real truth; words do hurt. Let me say it again, words-do-hurt! When an individual repeatedly belittles another person by communicating thoughtless insults and put-downs, verbal abuse surfaces. Verbal abuse can be extremely damaging to a person’s mental health and well-being.
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a person exclaim, “At least he’s not beating you!” I would have enough dinero to give Bill Gates a run for his money and claim the number one spot on Forbes’ list.  Let’s just get real—no one deserves to be disrespected and mistreated by anyone—period.
One point of contention is that many people are so desperate for companionship, love and attention that they sometimes settle for individuals who relentlessly use them as verbal whipping posts because of their own unresolved inner demons and insecurities. After all, people emitting strong levels of self-confidence and self-esteem don’t seek to verbally attack others to elevate themselves while gradually destroying another person.
A healthy relationship between two people consists of genuine love, care and concern for one another—not one built upon disrespect, put-downs and rage. It’s 2011—chances for redemption abound—take a stand and refuse to be another person’s doormat. Let’s be truthful about this quote once and for all; “Sticks and stones will break my bones and words will hurt too.”

“Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” What an ironic declaration! These words are often spoken–perhaps to protect the fragile human ego–with intentions to circumvent the real truth; words do hurt. Let me say it again, words-do-hurt! When an individual repeatedly belittles another person by communicating thoughtless insults and put-downs, verbal abuse surfaces. Verbal abuse can be extremely damaging to a person’s mental health and well-being.

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a person exclaim, “At least he’s not beating you!” I would have enough dinero to give Bill Gates a run for his money and claim the number one spot on Forbes’ list.  Let’s just get real—no one deserves to be disrespected and mistreated by anyone—period.

One point of contention is that many people are so desperate for companionship, love and attention that they sometimes settle for individuals who relentlessly use them as verbal whipping posts because of their own unresolved inner demons and insecurities. After all, people emitting strong levels of self-confidence and self-esteem don’t seek to verbally attack others to elevate themselves while gradually destroying another person.

A healthy relationship between two people consists of genuine love, care and concern for one another—not one built upon disrespect, put-downs and rage. It’s 2011—chances for redemption abound—take a stand and refuse to be another person’s doormat. Let’s be truthful about this quote once and for all; “Sticks and stones will break my bones and words will hurt too.”


Written By Corteasia Finklea