How To Easily Prepare For Exams: Tricks & Tips

Prepare For Exams
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Study tricks and tips for competitive exams

Useful tricks and tips that help you better remember the material and pass the exams successfully without supernatural efforts.

You spent hours, days and weeks in the audience, attentively listening and writing down every word of your lecturer, with the hope that this strategy will help you successfully prepare for the exam. Well done! The most important thing left is passing the exam. writing service has prepared some tips to help you to withstand your last exams successfully without stress.

Identify your learning style

We are all different, that’s why preparation strategies for an exam will differ. Start with your individual characteristics. If you are an auditory learner, read notes and textbooks aloud, if you are a kinesthetic learner – write your cribs based on your notes and create a plan for an answer.


Another effective method is a mental map. This is a great way to structure information, refresh knowledge and quickly get to the heart of the subject even after a long time.

What questions do you need to learn at first? If during the semester you have a good understanding of the subject, proceed to the questions about which you have at least some idea. If each new block cannot be understood without the previous one, there is one option: learn everything strictly in order.


It also makes sense to start with difficult questions, allocating enough time to study them. It is better to deal with them before you are tired and don’t lose your concentration. Postpone easy questions for later. You should be consistent. Stick to the chosen strategy, even if you start to panic as the day of the exam is approaching.

Strive for understanding, not memorizing

Delve into exam questions, but don’t try to cram them. Cramming is an unwinnable strategy, which also takes more time. Find logical connections in the questions, come up with associations.


Of course, in every subject, there is the information that you need to know by heart: dates, formulas, definitions. It is easier to remember them if you understand their logic. During the exam, answer the questions with your own words, complete the answers with your thoughts to make it more detailed.

“3 days” technique

A good method, when you need to prepare for an exam in a short period of time. It will take only three days, but there is much work to be done. Every day you need to work through all the material, but at different levels, constantly deepening.

On the first day, you read through all your notes to refresh knowledge on the subject. On the second day, you study these questions in textbooks to learn more details. If you prepare diligently, you can already count on passing the exam.

On the last day you bring your answers to the ideal level: repeat information and fill knowledge gaps. After the third day, you are ready to pass the exam successfully.

Two days to study, one to repeat

The system is very simple: all the material should be divided into two parts and learned in two days. The third day is entirely devoted to repetition.

Put a time limit on each question

To comprehend every topic can take infinitely long time, so don’t try to remember all the details. Highlight the main thoughts from the big chapter in the textbook: a structured small-volume material is easier to learn.

Divide all the questions between classmates and each one can prepare a summary of his part. If mutual support is not developed in your group, you can ask for materials and cheat sheets from senior students.

Don’t get stuck

If you feel that you are spending too much time on one question, skip it. The best motivator is a timer. Decide how much time you can give to one ticket, for example, 30 minutes, and after the time limit, proceed to the next one. Find a few hours before the exam to understand the questions you have not studied deeply enough.

Create a plan

Any, even the most extensive question can be described in a few words. In this case, each statement should cause associations. Such a plan can be quickly viewed before the exam to tune in to the working mood. The known method of three sentences helps: write out the problem, the main idea, and conclusion for every question.

The studying process depends on the subject matter

Individual features are not only present in you but also in the studied subject. For example, exact sciences (mathematics, physics) require practice. For the humanities, it is important to be able to process large amounts of information, remember dates, names, definitions.

The format of the exam is also important. If you are preparing for an oral examination, repeat your future answers aloud. A useful tactic is to retell the information to someone or yourself in front of a mirror. Even better if someone will not just listen to you, but also ask questions when something is unclear.

If you are preparing for testing, it is worthwhile to solve a dozen typical tests, write down your mistakes, repeat problematic topics and solve everything again. In the case of a writing examination, you need to think about the structure of the answers in advance.

A few more recommendations:

  • Take breaks. This will help you relax and grasp new information.
  • Turn off your smartphone, don’t use social networks
  • Get enough sleep
  • Don’t forget about food: it will give extra strength to your body.

Main Image by Rey Seven