Bye Bye Net Neutrality, Hello FCC’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order

Restoring Internet Freedom Order
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The end of the Net Neutrality rules, the proposition that Internet service providers(ISP) enable access to all content of the web, without discriminating products or websites, has taken effect Monday (June 11).


The Federal Communication Commission’s repealing of net neutrality regulation, passed in 2015 by the Obama Administrations, could affect how you use the internet. Do you enjoy Facebook and YouTube? With this change of regulation, ISPs can now start charging consumers for the internet in bundles, not as a cable package, as well as blocking web content and slowing data down.

Net Neutrality means all internet data should be delivered equally.


The overturn decision for the Net Neutrality rule came during a December 2016 voting led by Ajit Pai, the chairman of the FCC, who says the internet should be an open platform where you are free to go where you want.

The replacement for the Net Neutrality rule is the FCC’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order. The Restoring Internet Freedom Order will shift power to regulate the internet, from the FCC to the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC, an American organization that looks over consumer protection and competition for the economy, will be policing people across the internet economy.

The Restoring Internet Freedom Order is also ordering internet service providers to publicly disclose information regarding their network management practices, performance, and commercial terms of service.


The defense for the Restoring Internet Freedom Order has many ISPs making pledges that they would not block or throttle site once Net Neutrality ends. In addition, states like Montana and New York are using executive orders to force Net Neutrality.

“Our goal is simple: better, faster, cheaper internet access for American consumers who are in control of their own online experience. And that’s what the FCC’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order will deliver,” Ajit Pai wrote in his op-ed on CNET.

Maybe this is the slow death of the Internet or the start of something great.


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