When I first heard that one of my favorite R&B singers had a new song out, and a new album in the works I was deeply excited. If you have listened to Fantasia since her days back on American Idol, then you know how she gets down with the vocals. She was the one who had me glued to the television; with open and exposed ears. With a voice that is so deep and pure, it’s real love. Her music touches your soul, if you let it. It’s that type of love she sings of. It speaks to me in ways that many others don’t. She’s is a force.
The new single “Enough” gives a real rhythm and blues, old soul power love R&B feel. It gives me Anita Baker, Babyface, and Quincy Jones type vibes. It also reminds me of a song by Tamia titled “You Put A Move on My Heart”. With Fantasia coming in low, just when you’re about to fall; she hits you with that soul power. Boom then you’re gone to another level. To me, yes, that is magical. Simply magical.
“Enough” takes you back home, home to a place where love is; where love was. It’s so open. She delivered; she always delivers. On time, every time. Fantasia’s powerful voice will make you remember the reason you must continue to pay her much attention. If you are a fan of Fantasia or a new listener of hers “Enough” takes you back to a matured R&B sound.
The blends of music and vocal vibrations are so well mixed together. It’s like when the rain hits your windows, and you open it to hear the sounds more. It makes you want to hear rain drops that rhythmically hits the leaves.
I’m so excited to hear what’s next to come. Paying attention to the weather forecast. Be ready for this rain she is about to bring to the music grounds. Let’s stand again in the audience and listen to her bring down the house with this Summer time heatwave.
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