Personal loans work in a funny way. You take a loan because you need money, but you need to be making money to take a loan. While this won’t be much of a problem for the average individual, it becomes quite a difficult task to achieve for the unemployed. This poses an important question: Can you get a personal loan, even if you’re unemployed? Yes, you can. You have a few options to choose from, but it’s just going to be a bit more difficult than different scenarios.
Here’s what you need to do to get a personal loan if you’re currently unemployed:
Understand what lenders look into
Lending money to complete strangers come with many risks; that’s why most lenders will first evaluate the candidate. That way, they can decrease the chances of having them default on the payment. There are three main factors that help them with their evaluation and help you get approved, which are as follows:
- Income – Borrowers should have a consistent form of income. It doesn’t have to be big, otherwise, they wouldn’t need a personal loan anyway. But they need to be making enough money to cover future payments.
- Credit – When it comes to complete strangers, the only way that lenders would be able to evaluate them is by looking at their credit. If they have a bad credit score, they’ll get hesitant. The same applies if their payment history is irregular or worrisome in any way.
- Debt-to-income ratio – Even if you have regular income and your credit is good, if you’re currently under other forms of debt, then that will make your payments more difficult. Evaluating your debt-to-income ratio will further help lenders in deciding whether or not you’re a high-risk candidate.
Identify your source of income
The most common form of proving you’re making money is through providing proof of employment, but it’s not the only way you can get approved for a personal loan. There are other ways to prove your source of income:
- Freelance work – If you work as a freelancer or a project-based contractor, then this qualifies as a source of income. It can be risky for lenders to accept, but once you prove that your income is consistent and you’ll be able to make the payments, you’ll get your loan. Usually, lenders will ask you to provide a financial statement of a specific period of time, ranging from three months to a year.
- Investment – If you’re unemployed but you have an ongoing investment that brings you a constant form of income, then you won’t have to worry either. For instance, it can be capital gains from real estate, such as regular payments from your rented property. However, investments that reap one-time payments, such as annual profits from business shares, may not be enough for lenders.
- Spouse’s Income – Some lenders approve the employed spouse’s income as proof of regular income. If you’ll be depending on your spouse for making the payments, they’ll sign as co-applicant on your loan application, taking responsibility for the loan payment with you.
- Unemployment benefits – If you’re unemployed because you have a valid reason, such as being retired, then you can be eligible for most personal loans. In this case, you can make payments from your retirement account.
Search for the best lender
Not all lenders will approve unemployed candidates. Some will place huge interest rates on the loan, or deploy late payment penalties. However, you’ll be able to find a suitable lender by doing some comprehensive research. The financial advisors at explain how you can get a personal loan, even if you have a bad credit score. With a loan like this, you can get the help you need to ease your financial situation while restoring your credit score, as well.
Maintain your credit score
It’s crucial that you maintain your credit score during your periods of unemployment. Although this is usually the period when your financial situation is at its lowest, getting a bad credit score will lower your chances of getting a loan. Something as simple as missing out on your bill payments can affect your score negatively.
Look for other options
On the other hand, you can bypass the hassle of getting a personal loan by considering other options of getting financed. Some of your options are as follows:
- Get a co-signer to apply for a loan with you. Basically, it will be as if they’re the ones taking the loan.
- Get a 0% APR credit card, which gives you 12 months free of interest to pay back.
- You can secure the loan by providing collaterals, such as getting a home equity loan or line of credit. Needless to say, it’s risky as it places your home as collateral.
Getting a personal loan without having the backup of employment can seem impossible. However, it’s not. It all comes to providing proof that you’ll be able to make the payments regularly, which can be done in many ways. Depending on your situation, you can get a personal loan if you have some sort of income from freelance work, investment, a spouse’s financial support, or unemployment benefits. Make sure you look for a lender who offers you the best loan structure and maintain your credit score prior to approaching lenders.
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