3 Sports That Are Surprisingly Physically Demanding

Physically Demanding Sports
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For many people, the idea of getting in shape automatically has to include spending hours on the elliptical and the treadmill, and that’s one of the reasons why so many get discouraged early. But what if we told you that you could lose weight while also having fun?


Sports can be a much more efficient way to lose weight and get some cardio time in. The best part is that you’ll actually look forward to getting some exercise instead of slapping yourself in the face to muster enough energy to go to the gym. The thing is that it’s not always the most obvious sports that give the most dividends. There are plenty that you can experience from the comfort of your home – even your living room! Here are three sports that are surprisingly physically demanding.


This playground classic is also one of the most effective sports for burning calories. As a matter of fact, you can burn as many as 296 calories in 30 minutes playing kickball. The best part is that the losing team will usually ask for a rematch, so you’ll get the chance to burn even more. There is also a lot of downtime in kickball, which makes for a great form of high-intensity interval training.


Ping Pong

A lot of people might see ping pong as just another pastime, but if you’ve ever seen a real ping pong match, you know that it can get pretty hardcore. Ping pong has been an Olympic sport since the late ’80s, and players are athletes in every single way.

Ping pong will help you sharpen your reflexes, improve hand-eye coordination, and balance. It has even been proven to prevent dementia. Also, did you know that one hour of ping pong could burn as much as 500 calories per hour? This is about the same amount you could burn in one hour of light cycling on a stationary bike!

However, you must invest in the right equipment if you want to get the most of it. This means investing in a good table, paddles, and balls. Balls are often seen as a detail, but buying the best ping pong balls is an essential tool if you want to enjoy and improve your gameplay. So, make sure that you get the right gear and constantly work on your game if you really want to take it to the next level.



Hiking might seem like a great way to spend an afternoon with some of your friends, but it can be a great way to burn calories as well. You can burn up to 500 an hour hiking, and this number goes up the heavier you are. Hiking is also a great option if you want to build core strength, balance, and improve your bone density.

The lesson of the story is that you don’t have to go for the usual if you want to stay in shape. There are tons of different and fun ways that you can add activity to your everyday life, and these are just a few of them.

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