7 Tips on Efficient Professional Communication

Tips on Efficient Professional Communication
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Using language is an art. Tone, choice of words, non-verbal hints, and so on all count on the expression that will be conveyed and perceived by others. That’s why the quote that states “Communication is key” is not to be underestimated. 

Efficient professional communication can mean everything in the workplace. Of course, action and initiative are as important, but without effective communication, failure is more imminent. We’ve compiled seven pointers that can help anyone understand how to communicate much better and with more impact. 

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Moving on, here are our pointers intended to help anyone who is looking to perfect their efficient professional communication. 

Persuasion Starts With a “Why”

In scenarios where professionals have to present a crucial decision to the rest of their team and colleagues, it’s important to remember that persuasion starts with a “why.” Instead of simply stating what you need, start by communicating the reason/purpose of the statement and then follow it up with the decision/solution/answer. 

By doing this, professionals can positively engage and influence their colleagues, which in turn can paint the statement in a better light. It’s a simple but effective psychological hack.

Moreover, in situations where a statement gets rejected, it’s better to empathize with the party who made the statement than to tell them they’re wrong. For example:

  • I understand how you feel.
  • I’ve been there before.
  • I know how you feel.

Afterward, explain why the initial solution/decision will actually help how they feel and change it in a positive manner.

Ask Permission, Then Direct

In scenarios where the direction is needed, and one professional needs to convince and lead to a certain path, asking permission first is a subtle but efficient way to get people to go along with you. It shows respect and politeness, which can go a long way. Obviously, nobody should be overly polite and overly friendly; this can only potentially tick people off. 

Be authentic in gesture and then direct them.


  • Excuse me, may I comment on something? 
  • May I have permission to…?

Again, it’s a simple addition to how a professional speaks, but the simple things can sometimes bring the biggest changes. 

Establish Trust and Purpose

For professionals in leadership roles, it can sometimes be daunting to know what should be done on the fly. However, the basis of a strong and harmonious team is a sense of trust and purpose. This is why it’s important to build genuine interpersonal relationships with each team member, connecting with them on a professional but also personal level and instilling your vision/purpose/goal in them. 

It’s one thing for managers to demand things from their team, but being an effective leader means making each team member self-motivated and self-sufficient. Aligning them with your own values and winning them through emotion and thought is genuinely beneficial.

The conclusion? Every team member is inspired and works hard on their own free will, instead of unmotivated team members who do what they’re told but only out of fear of losing their positions. Thus, everyone adds value to the project.

Efficient Professional Communication

Ask Questions, Then Help

Another scenario where leaders can find themselves is seeing where their team members are doing wrong and wanting to jump to their rescue ASAP. However, people can only learn by doing, so it’s better not to jump and fix their problems for them right away.

An alternative way of going about this is to ask team members about their progress, and the chances are they’ll tell you exactly what they’re having issues with. Afterward, prompt and direct them to the correct way of doing it by showing them how, and they’ll fix it themselves with the solution you offered. 

Listen First, Speak Later

In scenarios where every colleague is having a discussion and brainstorming, it’s tempting for anyone to interrupt and chime in with their idea in the conversation. However, this is not an effective way to communicate. It’s better to let others do the talking first, especially if they’re hyped up. Listen to what they have to say, gain information from what they say, and then speak.

Communicate Emotions 

In scenarios where professionals have to make requests in the workplace, it’s advantageous to know how to do it in the most effective and concise way possible. Using language that communicates your emotions is a powerful way to make a request. This is because all of us are driven by our emotions, even in the workplace.

Sharing emotions clearly and with a level head shows others your maturity.

Prioritize Transparency

Transparency wins. Nothing beats authentic and honest communication. By upholding this value in the workplace, professionals can positively influence their colleagues to do the same thing. 

Nobody wants to work in a toxic environment. Nobody wants to work with liars and schemers. So, professionals should understand transparency is a crucial aspect that needs to be respected and maintained in their workplace. 

Life and work are already tough enough on some of us. Thus, having a workplace where employees and employers respect each other by being transparent in their communication inspires us to create a solid foundation that will be great for the company in the long run.

Wrapping Up

We hope this article has helped in understanding what works in efficient professional communication. It’s important to remember that maintaining professionalism doesn’t only include communicating technicalities. A genuine standard of professionalism is maintained if communication is open, concise, honest, positive, and inspires everyone in the workplace to do the best they can. 

The workplace is a space of innovation, discipline, and teamwork, but to create such a favorable environment, it must firstly inspire each involved professional. 


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