Hennessy Carolina and Cardi B Win Defamation Lawsuit

Cardi B defamation lawsuit
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Hennessy Carolina and Cardi B won defamation lawsuit on Friday, March 25th. Cardi B’s sister and reality star, Hennessy Carolina, and her girlfriend were harassed by three MAGA supporters on a beach. A heated exchange took place, which included Hennessy calling the three beach goers racist.

According to TMZ,


The three people involved in the Hennessy and Cardi B defamation lawsuits also alleged that Hennessy yelled and spit on during the argument.

Rolling Stone reported that “the plaintiffs were Manuel Alarcon, Peter Caliendo and Pauline Caliendo… They said Alarcon was wearing a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat and a vehicle near the Caliendos’ beach encampment was sporting a ‘Trump’ flag when Hennessy ‘raged’ at them with ‘threats, foul and intimidating language’ and ‘defamatory statements.’ They said some of the disparaging comments were directed at ‘Donald Trump and his supporters.’ They also claimed Hennessy battered Alarcon and Peter Caliendo when she allegedly ‘sprayed her copious spittle’ [aka spit] on them.”

The judge ended up ruling in Cardi B and Hennessy’s favor saying there isn’t enough evidence to support their actions being defaming nor that Hennessy intentionally spat on Alarcon and Peter Caliendo.


According to Page Six, A New York trial judge dismissed Hennessy Carolina and Cardi B defamation lawsuit saying the insults hurled by Carolina were too general, and don’t rise to the level of defamation. TMZ also reported that “the judge said even if spit shot out from Hennessy’s mouth — there was no proof whatsoever she intended to target any of the plaintiffs. In fact, the judge noted the plaintiffs never even alleged that was Hennessy’s intent.”‘

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