Traveling by train is among the cheapest modes of transportation available. However, train tickets aren’t always cheap. Depending on the season, they can be costly, especially in high demand. However, there’s always something you can do to get the tickets at a fair price.
For example, you can consider booking the train early or taking advantage of cashback offers. Regardless of the nature of your journey or whether you’re booking a train to New York City or any other city, it’s best to find ways to save money.
Here are some tips to help you cut costs on train tickets:
1. Book Early
The first step to saving money on a train ticket is booking as early as possible. Though it depends on your journey’s urgency and destination, securing the train ticket at least 12 weeks before the trip is advisable. Booking the train tickets early will save you the last-minute rush. Also, this allows you to get seats on the same train, especially if you’re traveling as a group.
Additionally, last-minute booking doesn’t guarantee you a ticket. This means your planned vacation can be cut short within the blink of an eye. That said, do your research on your preferred train to understand when the bookings are on and book early to avoid disappointments.
2. Purchase Different Tickets
While this tip might sound absurd initially, it can save you some cash. Instead of buying one ticket for the entire journey, consider purchasing several of them.
For instance, if you’re traveling from destination A to destination B, you can split the trip into two instead of one. In that case, you’ll need two train tickets. However, before enacting this tip, you must ensure that the train stops where you want to change trains.
3. Go For Cashback Offers
It’s a wise move to check out cashback offers. Many cashback sites can help you save extra dollars when booking a train ticket. Instead of paying more on rush hour bookings, use cashback services and take advantage of the offers.
All you need is to select these options and get some of your money back by getting a train ticket at a discount. Some cashback services offer a more significant discount or reward on your next booking.
4. Invest In A Rail Pass
Are you a regular traveler? If so, you might need to invest in a rail pass. While these passes aren’t available for everyone, they’re worth a try if you’re eligible. Once you lay your hand on a rail pass, you’re guaranteed to save money on train tickets in a year.
Remember that particular terms and conditions govern railcards. It’s important to read and understand them before investing in them.
5. Claim Refund For Delays
Some train companies offer 25% cash back for delays surpassing 15 minutes. It’s also important to note that the amount you can get back might depend on how long the train was delayed. You can get a full refund if the train is delayed for over 120 minutes.
With that in mind, it’s advisable to understand your right to refunds; hence, you should lodge a claim if you’re eligible. If you fail, you might lose valuable time and pay more for the ticket.
6. Consider Cheap First-Class Tickets
Contrary to what most travelers think, first-class tickets aren’t expensive. So, if you avoid buying such tickets, you’re probably depriving yourself of traveling stylishly at a low price. In most cases, the price for first class and regular tickets is almost the same. Therefore, it’s best to double-check the price before booking.
Understandably, most travelers avoid booking first-class tickets because they think comfort comes with an additional price. However, if you know that you can only add a little or nothing and travel comfortably, won’t you settle for such?
7. Shop Around
You might never save if you constantly buy train tickets without shopping around. With many online apps you can use to purchase train tickets, you shouldn’t buy a ticket before comparing the price. As with anything else, train tickets differ in price depending on which app you’re using. However, you can only get a better deal after adequate research.
Parting Shot
Unless your trip is an emergency, there’s no reason not to consider the above-discussed tips to save money when booking train tickets. All you need is to plan your trip and research a piece of practical advice to help you save. Come to think of it, who wouldn’t take advantage of saving some cash when a chance represents itself?
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