Jess Hilarious Gets Called “Transphobic” After IG Post Becomes Viral Speaking On Bio-Women Being Gatekeepers of Womanhood

Jess Hilarious called transphobic
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Jess Hilarious called transphobic after IG Post goes viral.

Jess Hilarious is being ridiculed yet again but this time is for standing up for what she believes to be true. 

In a recent post on Jess Hilarious IG, she stitched a response to a trans-woman stating that cis women were not the gatekeepers of womanhood or periods. That in fact, women do not own any of these things. 

Jess decided to step in an acknowledge the fact that we are the gatekeepers of womanhood and periods because we are the only ones that get periods. She continued to add that women make people like the trans-woman, and give birth while others are incapable of doing so. 

Jess Hilarious Called Transphobic After Stitching A Response to A Trans-woman Stating We Do Own Womanhood

But it seems as though Jess’s statement placed the internet in a frenzy as many people did agree with what Jess was saying others deemed her as being transphobic and disgusting. 

It doesn’t seem as though Jess will come out of this on top at all due to the community giving their opinions on the matter and all the things that they feel as though she said was wrong. 

How do you feel about Jess being ridiculed? Was she wrong in her statement? 

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. 

Here is What Twitter Had to Say About Jess Hilarious Stating Women Own Womanhood and Menstration

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