Russel Simmons Gets Called Out By Daughter Of His “Change” – Russel & Kimora Lee Simmons Responds

Russel Simmons
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Russel Simmons daughter shares her story pertaining to the abuse that she has received from her father over the years. 

It seems as though not everyone’s father’s day went according to plan as Russel Simmons daughter, Aoki Simmons, decided to go live on IG explaining the fact that her father has not been supportive in her life. 

She goes on to explain the neglect and lack of protection she feels when it comes to Russel. 

In the live, she explains a moment where she was stranded and needed a way back home and when she asked her father he said find a bus and good luck. 

Throughout the video you can see the emotion in her eyes as she continues to discuss the things that her father does not provide for her and her siblings. 

Kimora Lee Simmons which is Russel Simmons ex-wife finds herself defending in her daughter by explaining the situation and how much Russel does not help with the family. 

There were so many backlash between the family exposing Russel for his behavior when it came to how he treats his children but it also brought back other situations involving Russel and women. 

A few years back, Russel was accused of sexual assault from multiple women who claimed to have been abused by Russel Simmons. 

Oprah Winfrey has also called out Russel Simmons for these acts when her show aired as well. The documentary, ‘On the Record’, can still be found on HBO Max assaults made by Russel Simmons. 

Allegedly, Russel Simmons fled the US when the assault charges from different women came to surface. 

Social media reacted to the abuse that she shared about Russel and a lot of people were not shocked as to how Russel Simmons treats his family. 

Here’s What Twitter Had to Say

We hope that the family is able  to receive some healing and is able to get through this traumatic time.