How to Build a Law Practice That Will Stand the Test of Time

Build a Law Practice
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With millions of attorneys flooding the US legal sphere and thousands of law firms, it can be hard to start a successful practice. Most lawyers know a thing or two about overcoming obstacles, though.

We’ve seen time and again attorneys that are willing to go the extra mile succeed in their dreams of creating a private law practice. If you share that dream, we’re here to tell you that it’s within your reach!

The following are eight great tips that will help you build a law practice that we believe will withstand the test of time.

  1. Pick a Niche

The adage, “the riches are in the niches” is 100% true in the legal field. Let’s face it, when somebody has their back against the wall and needs a criminal attorney, they’re probably not going to hire one that spends a quarter of his/her time keeping people out of jail and the other 75% suing dog owners over leash laws.

When selecting your niche, let your passion guide your decisions more than arrant conversations revolving around “where the money is.” Building a law practice on what you love is going to make for a longer career than building one based on chasing dollars.

  1. Learn a Thing or Two About Marketing

Like any business, running a law practice will go more smoothly if you know a thing or two about marketing. That’s because, without a good marketing plan in place, your phones won’t ring, and your calendar will sit empty.

Fortunately, there are great ways for lawyers to advertise themselves in today’s media market. Social media, radio advertisements, TV spots, and more are all great places to get started. Once you find an ad channel that converts the most business for you, stick with it, and keep finding new ways to connect with your audience.

  1. Don’t Follow the Masses

New attorneys make the mistake of seeing what seems to be working for another attorney and trying to emulate their success. That might mean watching an accident lawyer do funny spots on TV, and then you want to get into the same market with the same advertising strategy.

Why that’s a mistake is because, first off, just because someone looks successful doesn’t mean that they are. Second, being genuine is very important in the legal field. If you try to be someone you’re not, people will feel that and be wary of engaging your services.

  1. Build a Great Team

From day one, you should be focused on surrounding yourself with the absolute best people. That should extend from who you hire to manage your desk to who assists you with cases.

Remember, a good team will perform better than a bad team that has one or two all-stars on it. Prioritize creating a special synergy in your office over bringing on big names and watch as you and your co-workers collectively scale your business.

  1. Get Comfortable With Over-Delivering

People seeking legal services have a lot of choices when it comes to where to find council. If they’ve chosen you, you need to reward them for their faith. The best way to do that is to over-deliver on everything you do.

Check-in on your clients frequently. Don’t nickel and dime. Show clients that you care.

It’s the little things that will help you retain clients and will help you unlock a powerful means of lead generation for lawyers—word of mouth.

  1. Make It Your Mission to Be Helpful

If you start every day with the goal of being helpful, no matter who you’re interacting with, your legal practice will endure. Being helpful not only means over-delivering for your paying clients, it means making sure that the conversations you have with prospects, even ones that you feel aren’t a good fit for your services, leave them in a better place.

Being a good person when it comes to the legal field is worth more than you might think. Give it a try and see firsthand how much people begin to appreciate your brand and how many lives you change.

  1. Have Access to Capital

No matter how good your legal practice is, once your money runs dry, your doors shut. Hopefully, you’ll be able to build enough momentum for yourself that your firm’s profits will fund your daily operations and give you the means to scale.

If that’s not the case in your first few years, know where you can borrow money from and maintain excellent relationships with those financiers. After all, nothing helps you sleep at night quite as well as knowing that there’s somebody in your corner ready to keep your lights on when needed.

  1. Be Human

If there’s one takeaway you pull from the tips we’ve shared, let it be that a little bit of humanity goes a long way in the legal field. In our experience, great lawyers that are also great, helpful, and gracious people work for decades.

Lawyers that are talented but purely focused on transactions tend to burn out. Don’t let that person be you and keep those people far away from your firm.

Your Law Practice Is Waiting to Be Brought to Fruition

No amount of reading tips on opening a law practice is going to bring your business to fruition. That takes action, which we hope we’ve inspired you to follow through on.

If you’d like additional guidance on legal services, lifestyle matters, and more, we welcome you to read more of the newest content on our blog!

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