5 Important Motorcycle Safety Tips

Motorcycle Safety Tips
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In the last few years, the number of motorcycles on US roads has risen to around 12 million. If you’re looking to join this number and enjoy getting around on a motorcycle whether instead of your car, or alongside it then there are few motorcycle safety tips you need to be aware of to always make sure your drive is safe and enjoyable. 

1. Choose a Motorcycle Suited for You

If you have a passion for the many models available, as well as being excited to invest in your first one, it’s easy to get carried away with the style and size you should get. However, it’s important to choose a model suited for your skill level and needs. 

A beginner using a motorcycle to get to work, for example, would be best opting in a simple or even used model, in order to get used to it. You won’t need a powerful touring motorcycle if you’re only using it for work. 

You can always build your way up through better models as your experience progresses. 

2. Invest in Dependable Safety Gear

Safety gear is a must for any motorcycle rider. The style you choose is up to you, but staple items you should invest in are:

  • A decent helmet
  • Motorcycle gloves
  • A jacket (specifically tailored for motorcycles and not just a casual jacket you already have) 
  • Sturdy boots (avoid laces, or always ensure laces are tied tightly and tucked in)
  • Pants
  • Eye protection if needed 

Also think about the various types of weather you may encounter on the road when choosing your riding gear. 

3. Don’t Rely on Other Drivers 

You’re responsible for your own safety when on the road. Don’t presume that all other drivers in cars and lorries will be able to see you or will be acting appropriately when it comes to motorcycle drivers. Pay attention and drive carefully in built up areas and always double check before turning to avoid an accident. 

If another driver causes an accident due to their careless driving, there is reason enough for a personal injury claim, as shown on Maryland Accident`s website.

4. Avoid Riding Next to Other Vehicles

It’s better to maintain a safe distance either behind another vehicle, or in front. This ensures that they can always see you, either in their rearview mirror or directly in front of them. 

If you stay driving side by side with another vehicle, you risk being in another driver’s blind spot, and they may suddenly turn into you without seeing you. 

5. Always Think Ahead 

Stay aware and think about possibilities when you enter a new environment. For example, if you encountered a problem, where on your present road would you be able to safely go or turn into? Is there an escape route for you? If there is sudden debris in the road, how would you safely swerve around it?

Be sure to plan ahead for your next move, especially in busy or problematic areas to avoid getting stuck or running into problems. 


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