Would Your Family Cope if You Got Injured in an Accident?

Injured in an Accident
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Accidents happen when you least expect them, and when they do, you’ll no doubt hope for a swift recovery. Unfortunately, some accidents have a lengthy recovery period, which can severely impact your life, whether you must miss work or need help taking care of your family. It’s essential to put a plan in place in case you got injured in an accident, so here are some things you may want to think about.

Do you get sick pay?

Most workers assume that if they are severely injured, they will be able to get sick pay from their employer until they recover. However, the truth is that most employees have a fixed number of sick days, and in some cases, they have none. It’s worth looking at options such as income protection cover if you are the sole breadwinner in your home, so you have some sort of income if the worst happens.

Who will look after your kids?

If you’re a parent, then being involved in an accident can make life difficult, especially if you don’t have much family support nearby. It’s worth speaking to close friends about contingency plans, should the worst happen, and putting their name down at the school so they can pick up your children if there’s an emergency.

You could also consider options such as:

  • Care from family members – see if a family member could move in with you while you recover
  • A temporary nanny – although it’s an expensive solution, a nanny takes care of the kids so you can focus on your recovery
  • Having your kids stay with relatives
  • Putting together a babysitting schedule and calling in lots of favors

Caring responsibilities can be challenging when you are sick, which is why you need to focus on your recovery, so you can get back to taking care of your family.

Will you be able to make a claim?

From medical expenses to lost wages, being in an accident can be an expensive business, which is why you may want to work with a personal injury lawyer to see if you can claim back some of this money. If the accident wasn’t your fault, then it’s worth seeking legal advice, as any money you can claim can help you pay your bills and help with the cost of the treatments you need to get back on track.

Who’ll deal with household tasks?

When you recover from an accident, you need to take it easy, which can mean everyday tasks from the school run to housework are out of the question. If you have a partner, they may be able to cover some of the essentials, and you could draw up a family chore chart to ensure everything gets done.

Have you sorted out legal paperwork?

In the case of severe accidents, you should ensure you have the right person listed as your next of kin and that they know your wishes. Nobody wants to think about the possibility of this kind of nasty accident happening. Still, things will be much easier if your legal paperwork is in order, so your family knows what to do next.

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