How to Encourage Your Child to Develop Their Sense of Style

Encourage Your Child - Sense of Style
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It is important for your child’s development to encourage them to ‘be their own’ person and have their own style. Encouraging your child to choose their own look can increase their confidence and independence. Here are some ways to help your child develop their own sense of style.

Play Dress Up

Most young children will enjoy dressing up and pretending to be a superhero or a fairy princess. Dressing up develops a child’s imagination and creativity. It can also teach them how to be an adult. Little children love to watch their mums dress up in a party dress and apply makeup. The act of dressing – doing up buttons and zippers, helps develop fine motor skills.

Give Them the Gift of Choice

As soon as they are old enough to communicate and make decisions, ask your child to help you choose an outfit for them to wear each day. Let them choose anything they want – whether it be a tutu with wellington boots or a Batman costume with dinosaur slippers, praise their choice and tell them you are proud of them for making a great decision. Choosing their clothes will strengthen your child’s decision-making skills and creativity. They will feel in control of their life.

Give Them Compliments

The best way to grow your child’s confidence is to compliment them as often as you  possibly can. Telling your child that they look beautiful or cool in an outfit they have chosen will make them feel happy and secure. If your child is self-conscious about a part of their body or if they have to wear a hearing aid or glasses, encourage them to embrace it. Take your kid shopping for funky teen glasses to replace their plain ones or if you have a daughter who is developing breasts, take her bra shopping to try and ease the embarrassment of it all. 

Teach Them

Give your child some tips on how to choose their clothes. Show them which colors go together and how to incorporate patterns. Teach them about different styles of clothes and which outfits are suitable for specific situations. Explain about wearing smart clothes for important days and party clothes for special occasions. 

Being a bit more lenient with your child’s clothes choices when they are young might stop them from rebelling when they are older by wearing completely inappropriate attire.

Let Them Get Creative

Show your child that they can develop their own style by customizing their clothes with ribbons, studs, patches, badges, and fabric paints. Explain that although following the latest trends will make them feel part of a group, it is much better in the long run to have a unique style that will make them stand out from the crowd. People who are independent, original, and have an individual style are needed in society. The world needs inventors and innovators, who aren’t scared to be different. It would be a very dull world if we all looked the same.

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