Yes, there is music as well, which was always a passion of hers to begin with. From singing in the church choir to becoming Slip-N-Slide Records’ first pop female vocalist, Drew wanted to long before establish a place in music but felt that it just wasn’t time to grace the mic with her vocals earlier on. “I was always doing music growing up with my involvement in the church choir and taking piano lessons, so I always pursued it. But I guess it was the timing, because it was a little more difficult to get involved in. But I was able to showcase my vocals in roles that I had in ‘Step Up’, ‘The Game’, which gave me leverage to get on Slip-N-Slide. I want people to know that I do sing and I’ve been doing this just as long, but now it’s time for the actual project (album). People will really get a chance to see me as an artist, as a person, things that I’ve been through, my journey,” she said. Her single entitled ‘Ladies Go’ will drop April 6 and is a prelude to what is to be expected on the album-a collection of songs that everyone will be able to relate to-from going out and enjoying being a woman, to real life situations that is only a part of human development. “Being in love, fun times, heartbreak-we go through so much. Men out there that maybe have a woman or who don’t know how to treat a woman, they will want to listen to it. They will get a feel of what women like. So it’s for everyone. If you’re going out to the club with your girls, there are records on there, if you’re at the club with your girls, there are records on there. If you’re at home with your boo, there are records for that. (Laughs) It’s gonna encompass all of that. We will be having a singles release party in May,” said Drew.
She also has her own production company called ‘Record Breakers Entertainment’ and already has two artists signed, one of whom is a female rapper by the name of Nichelle Genovise. “I call her the lyrical beast. A lot of times, female rappers have to always sell their bodies and talk about sex in order to feel relevant and a lot of men don’t respect them as lyricists, but I am not knocking anyone for that. Before you see a picture of her, you can press play, and hear her story and the conviction in her voice. But when you see her, you’re gonna say wow, she’s beautiful. And she knows exactly who she is. I get at least three records from her a day, and I’m excited to be a part of her growth. So, we are always looking for new and upcoming talent,” she said.
With many feathers in her hat now, one could easily say that she has come a long way from those days riding the bus and standing in long lines hoping to get recognition and opportunity. But today, Drew Sidora has indeed made it, has no plans of slowing down and doesn’t mind helping others realize and execute their dreams in the process. The city of Chicago is very proud.
written by Eleanor Smith
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