Jim Jones – Vampire Life mixtape download

His last album was Capo, but who really needs an album when you’re winning with a reality show.  He’s still BALLIIIIINN’.  Vampire Life, the Jim Jones mixtape.  




Download:  Jim Jones – Vampire Life



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Kevin Benoit
Kevin Benoit graduated from John Jay College of Criminal Justice in 2007 with a Bachelors of Science in Legal Studies. Empowering the urban community has been a goal for Kevin Benoit for the past 8 years. As a freshman in college, in May of 2004, Benoit created Parlé Magazine, an urban entertainment magazine that focused on literacy through entertainment. The publication has since provided a stepping-stone for many individuals throughout the country, from teens to adults and continues to provide inspiration for inspiring entrepreneurs, writers, photographers and graphic designers. Read more articles by Kevin.