Kerwin Caliborne, the Most Followed Live Performer in the Comedy Game

Kerwin Caliborne, the Most Followed Live Performer in the Comedy Game
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“These w#!+€ folks crazy!” I don’t know about you, but every time I hear that phrase I chuckle a little because Kerwin Caliborne is a damn fool! Just thinking about this guy brings a smile to my face! Kerwin Cailborne is most definitely a rising superstar in the comedy game, and I know ya’ll feel the same way because yall follow him everywhere! Pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic, Kerwin knows how to keep a crowd!

Kerwin Caliborne was born on March 26, 1984 in a small Mississippi town called Pattison. Growing up, his influences were the likes of Martin Lawrence, Jamie Foxx, Tyler Perry and it shows! For years, Kerwin has watched and studied nothing but the best, all the while perfecting his timing and delivery in various comedy clubs around the country.

He used his unbelievable work ethic along with his wit to produce his own videos derived from everyday people he knows. And these videos that just happened to go viral on a daily basis. To date, Kerwin has over 1 million social media followers. From TikTok to Instagram, Kerwin posts everyday.


Kerwin Claiborne comedy shows are managed and promoted by Carpe Diem Management, LLC. His comedy production called “Thees W@#$ Folks Crazy” began earlier this year and quickly sold out many venues all over the east coast. He is currently registered with, where you can keep up with his latest appearances and purchase tickets.

Kerwin’s hard work and eager approach to his craft will most definitely successfully launch him to ultimate superstar status. His internet personalities, such as Ms. Mary, Uncle Leroy and Miss Keisha have made it easy for everyday people to relate. This year Kerwin has added a lot more voiceover clips to his resume, and they never disappoint!

Now if I’m lyin’ I’m flyin’, and I ain’t left the ground yet! Don’t play wit me, play wit ya mammy and keep following Kerwin Claiborne as he soars to becoming a superstar in the game of comedy!




