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*note: I’m going to use “woman” and other female references in this post, mostly because the idea of having a boyfriend does not interest me. There are questionable partners of both sexes, and this is in no way an insinuation that this concern goes only one way…it’s just that I do…so you can miss me with all that. Aight, let’s get this started.
True romantic love, in its purest, idealistic, Hallmark-y form, is based on a couple’s compatibility and personality traits. That’s it. If you could have a sexual relationship with a person, navigate all the things that make men and women so vastly and wonderfully different and still find it in yourselves to be friends with your clothes on, in theory you have the perfect relationship. The unadulterated love between a man and a woman is one of the rarest and most beautiful things we can ever hope to experience while living…but that’s not the way it works, right?
No, we let all kinds of external factors contaminate what should really be a simple thing. These factors include things as superficial to what skin tone they have or how many tattoos they have to more common and accepted biases such as unsupplemented attractiveness (I don’t wanna roll over every morning next to an ug–uh, asthetically challenged woman any more that the next man, but looks ain’t everything…trust me, I’ve done the research), current social status, our own egos (what will my friends think?), and of course, the thing we came here to discuss today, money. Money can be a major issue in relationships. You see, money is power…and it’s no different with interpersonal relations.
Many people tend to choose partners in their same general economic station for this reason. However, there is a subset of folk who deal with people for financial purposes. They see relationships as business decisions and marriage as a merger. You may look down on this kind of woman and call her any number of names. However, what you may not realize is that you may exhibit some of these traits yourself without knowing it.
Okay, let’s take 2 guys…call them Jamal and Rick. Jamal is a reasonably good-looking young 9-5 guy, has an entry level job making $30k a year, lives in a decent apartment in North Urbania, goes to school part time, and drives a bus pass. Rick, however, is a wealthy, reasonably good-looking young man about Jamal’s age who has a half a million dollar home in Urbania Hills and drives an 8-series BMW. I ask you…which one is the better catch? I’ll give you a minute to think about it.
*Jeopardy theme*
Of course, that’s a trick question…I didn’t tell you what kind of person either of them were, how suitable a partner either of them would be, or even how Rick gets his money…but I’d be willing to be that at least 6 of the 10 females who read this post chose Rick on first instinct (whether they’ll admit it or not). This is the basis of my contention.
It seems like the better your economic situation, the more a potential partner is willing to overlook in exchange for your company. Because this person has money, they have the power to immediately pique your interest while you ask minimal questions. I’m sorry, what’s the difference between that and prostitution again? I ain’t sayin’ you a gold digger…oh, wait, yeah I am.
Not only is money power, money is opportunity. The majority of people are only as faithful as their opportunities. Just look at the celebrity world. I don’t really have the stats to back this up, but I’d (very conservatively) estimate that 45% of the celebrities women pass out over on a regular basis are unfaithful to their partners. Why? Because they can be! Because they often travel the world they’re world-famous in and women just throw themselves at them based on name alone! Because a very high percentage of females are so obsessed with status, money and celebrity that they’ll do damn near anything for a taste of it (even if that taste is only literal)!
Now, let’s examine their partners…save the ones who are themselves famous, most of them just keep quiet and deal with the shit until the terms of their marriage dictate that they get a gigantic, undeserved divorce settlement. Do you actually believe Juanita Jordan had no idea that her husband was driving to holes besides hers for a decade? Are you really gonna tell me Ms. Tiger had NO idea her man was playing a nationwide round of butt-putt for years at a time? Kobe cheated on his dimepiece wife with some party favor, but one $4 million dollar ring later, it was all better. Morgan Freeman’s wife had no inkling that he seemed just a bit too excited to go to family reunions? That’s not love, it’s waiting for payday!
Celebs not fair game? Okay, I understand…even taking it back to a personal level, there are many people who make their first and last judgements based on what you look like you’re worth. Females in the club always flock to the guy with the bankroll. Women on the street will turn their noses up at you if you don’t smell like money. There are many women who will openly tell you a man is an ineligible reciever if he makes under x amount.
Even some of the non-famous people I know with more money than myself are able to get away with damn near anything with their woman because they’re the meal ticket. I think that’s shameful…I guess you should do whatever makes you happy, but if whatever amount of money are more valuable to you than your self-respect and a healthy relationship, then honestly you deserve whatever happens to you in it. I only feel sorry for those who feel sorry for you.
Is money the root of all evil? No…it’s the key to modern commerce, a necessity to maintain any standard of living, and also fun to bounce off strippers foreheads…so it can’t be all bad. Money is important, especially in times like this…but to pick someone based on their economic status is poor business strategy. (The old cow/milk adage comes to mind…doesn’t really matter how much the milk buyer has to spend. Hell, more often, he’ll get what he wants, maybe toss you a couple dollars and be on with his life, leaving you with your ass in the wind as you scramble around on all fours trying to pick up his spare change).
However, if there’s a worst to be brought out of a person, money is the most likely catalyst…and a relationship is not a great place to unleash the worst of someone. If you’re going to be with somebody, do it for the right reasons. His bank account is not one of them. Just sayin’…
True romantic love, in its purest, idealistic, Hallmark-y form, is based on a couple’s compatibility and personality traits. That’s it. If you could have a sexual relationship with a person, navigate all the things that make men and women so vastly and wonderfully different and still find it in yourselves to be friends with your clothes on, in theory you have the perfect relationship. The unadulterated love between a man and a woman is one of the rarest and most beautiful things we can ever hope to experience while living…but that’s not the way it works, right?
No, we let all kinds of external factors contaminate what should really be a simple thing. These factors include things as superficial as what skin tone they have or how many tattoos they have to more common and accepted biases such as unsupplemented attractiveness (I don’t wanna roll over every morning next to an ug–uh, asthetically challenged woman any more that the next man, but looks ain’t everything…trust me, I’ve done the research), current social status, our own egos (what will my friends think?), and of course, the thing we came here to discuss today, money. Money can be a major issue in relationships. You see, money is power…and it’s no different with interpersonal relations.
Many people tend to choose partners in their same general economic station for this reason. However, there is a subset of folk who deal with people for financial purposes. They see relationships as business decisions and marriage as a merger. You may look down on this kind of woman and call her any number of names. However, what you may not realize is that you may exhibit some of these traits yourself without knowing it.
Okay, let’s take 2 guys…call them Jamal and Rick. Jamal is a reasonably good-looking young 9-5 guy, has an entry level job making $30k a year, lives in a decent apartment in North Urbania, goes to school part time, and drives a bus pass. Rick, however, is a wealthy, reasonably good-looking young man about Jamal’s age who has a half a million dollar home in Urbania Hills and drives an 8-series BMW. I ask you…which one is the better catch? I’ll give you a minute to think about it.
Jeopardy theme
Of course, that’s a trick question…I didn’t tell you what kind of person either of them were, how suitable a partner either of them would be, or even how Rick gets his money…but I’d be willing to bet that at least 6 of the 10 females who read this post chose Rick on first instinct (whether they’ll admit it or not). This is the basis of my contention.
It seems like the better your economic situation, the more a potential partner is willing to overlook in exchange for your company. Because this person has money, they have the power to immediately pique your interest while you ask minimal questions. I’m sorry, what’s the difference between that and prostitution again? I ain’t sayin’ you a gold digger…oh, wait, yeah I am.
Not only is money power, money is opportunity. The majority of people are only as faithful as their opportunities. Just look at the celebrity world. I don’t really have the stats to back this up, but I’d (very conservatively) estimate that at least 45% of the celebrities women pass out over on a regular basis are unfaithful to their partners. Why? Because they can be! Because they often travel the world and women just throw themselves at them based on name alone! Because a very high percentage of females are so obsessed with status, money and celebrity that they’ll do damn near anything for a taste of it (even if that taste is only literal)!
Now, let’s examine their partners…save the ones who are themselves famous, most of them just keep quiet and deal with the shit until the terms of their marriage dictate that they get a gigantic, undeserved divorce settlement. Do you actually believe Juanita Jordan had no idea that her husband was driving to holes besides hers for a decade? Are you really gonna tell me Ms. Tiger had NO idea her man was playing a nationwide round of butt-putt for years at a time? Kobe cheated on his dimepiece wife with some party favor, but one $4 million dollar ring later, it was all better. Morgan Freeman’s wife had no inkling that he seemed just a bit too excited to go to family reunions? That’s not love, it’s waiting for payday!
Celebs not fair game? Okay, I understand…even taking it back to a personal level, there are many people who make their first and last judgements based on what you look like you’re worth. Females in the club always flock to the guy with the bankroll. Women on the street will turn their noses up at you if you don’t smell like money. There are many women who will openly tell you a man is an ineligible reciever if he makes under x amount.
Even some of the non-famous people I know with more money than myself are able to get away with damn near anything with their woman because they’re the meal ticket. I think that’s shameful…I guess you should do whatever makes you happy, but if whatever amount of money is more valuable to you than your self-respect and a healthy relationship, then honestly you deserve whatever happens to you. I only feel sorry for those who feel sorry for you.
Is money the root of all evil? No…it’s the key to modern commerce, a necessity to maintain any standard of living, and also fun to bounce off strippers foreheads…so it can’t be all bad. Money is important, especially in times like this…but to pick someone based on their economic status is poor business strategy. (The old cow/milk adage comes to mind…doesn’t really matter how much the milk buyer has to spend. Hell, more often, he’ll get what he wants, maybe toss you a couple dollars and be on with his life, leaving you with your ass in the wind as you scramble around on all fours trying to pick up his spare change).
However, if there’s abad side to be brought out of a person, money is the most likely catalyst…and a relationship is not a great place to unleash the worst of someone. If you’re going to be with somebody, do it for the right reasons. His bank account is not one of them. Just sayin’…
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