How Do I Choose a Reishi Supplement?

Reishi Supplement
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Reishi mushrooms are a shiny, red fungus that often grows in the shape of a kidney or fan. In traditional Chinese medicine, they are a staple ingredient and are often referred to as the “mushroom of immortality”. 

Many believe reishi is good for immune support, poor sleeping habits, and stress. Because of this, the popularity of reishi supplements is booming. From powders to reishi mushroom capsules, there’s more choice now than ever. 

In this article, we’ll discuss what types of products are on the market and how to avoid poor-quality reishi mushroom supplements. 

Types of Reishi Supplements 

Many people choose to use supplements over fresh mushrooms. Why is this? 

Fresh reishi can be much harder to find in the market, as they aren’t a traditional food ingredient. Additionally, their naturally bitter and earthy taste isn’t appealing to everyone. 

If you’re firmly set on using reishi supplements, the next step is deciding which type of supplement to use. However, much like any supplement, choosing an appropriate product is very much an individual decision. Take a look at our quick overview below. 

  1. Capsules

If you value convenience and discretion, reishi capsules are a great choice. 

Unlike powders, capsules can easily be consumed on the go or in specific locations like the workplace or the gym. In other words, it’s easy to adapt capsule supplements into a busy, daily routine. Another benefit is that they are inconspicuous. You won’t have to explain to any on-lookers about your supplement regime. 

Brands like VidaCap, make it easy to know how much powder you are consuming in each capsule. For instance, each of their reishi capsules contains 750mg of dried, organic mushroom powder. 

  1. Powders

Reishi powders offer flexibility. You can control exactly how much of the supplement you are consuming at one time. Although, it’s always best to stick to the recommended servings. 

While powders aren’t the quickest method of consumption, they can be the most delicious. Reishi powder can be easily added to teas, coffee, and foods like eggs and soups. In fact, powders can be used in almost any dish; however, be conscious of its bitter taste. 

Some companies even add additional ingredients to the powders, such as black pepper and ginger. You may find a benefit in the combined effects of these blends. 

  1. Tinctures

Reishi tinctures aren’t nearly as popular as capsules and powders, so finding good quality products may be more difficult. Despite this, some people find tinctures useful. 

Tinctures are often more concentrated than capsules or powders, making them more affordable in the long run. It also means they could have a more significant number of beta-glucans, which is thought to support the immune system. 

Some people argue that mushroom tinctures are purer than other products. As tinctures have to be extracted and filtered, the process may eliminate more cytotoxic compounds. However, good-quality powders and capsules will always provide third-party lab reports to ensure their products are completely safe. 

  1. Creams

Reishi creams are an exciting and emerging new supplement on the market. However, they are by far the least popular product on our list. 

While creams may not offer you the expected benefits of other reishi supplements, such as immunity support, they could have alternative uses. Some brands are marketing their reishi creams as hydrating and inflammatory. And tag lines such as “your reishi skincare routine” show that these supplements could be a future trend. 

In reality, we don’t know the benefits of reishi in a topical form. If you do suffer from sensitive skin, it’s always best to check with your healthcare provider before using a new cream or topical. 

How to Recognise Good-Quality Reishi Supplements

It’s worth noting that the supplement industry is not regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Therefore, researching a brand before buying is highly recommended. 

Some things to ensure before purchasing a reishi mushroom supplement are:

  • Made with reishi fruiting bodies
  • Grown in an organic and safe environment
  • The brand is transparent and reputable
  • Third-party lab reports are freely available
  • Serving sizes and suggestions are clear

Reishi supplements could be a benefit to general wellbeing and health. However, it’s always worth researching a little more about the mushrooms themselves and the brand you are buying from. 

If in doubt, contact a trusted medical professional and start an open and transparent dialogue about consuming reishi mushrooms.

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