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Black History Moment – First Lady Michelle Obama

Black History Michelle Obama
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Today’s black history moment will be dedicated to the first African-American First Lady, Mrs. President, Michelle Obama.
Mrs. Obama is to be applauded most of all for the Health movement that she is beginning. It is more than worthy of applause that we are engaging a program in an area where we have had a reckless neglect.  We have either been the #1 obese country in the world or very close to it for the past several decades. We are losing loved ones everyday whose lives may have been spared but for a change in diet. We can all agree it starts at home so let us cooperate and participate lest our children inherit our dis-eases based on diet like heart disease, diabetes, and etcetera. They learn by what they see us preparing and eating. Let us be humble enough to learn some new healthier habits, brave enough to try them, and strong enough to unlearn the previous habits.
People may say what they may. Mrs. Obama came from the South Side of Chicago yet was the salutatorian of her high school.  She has graced the halls of Princeton and Harvard Universities and now the White House. I really hope that the reader is able to see throughout the month that we have no excuses for not realizing our fullest potential. None. Jim Robinson her great- great grandfather on her father’s side was a slave in South Carolina. Melvinia Shields her great-great-great grandmother on her mother’s side was also a slave. They would have been proud to know that she did not squander her education but was on the honor roll all four years in high school. But, was it in either of their minds even a possibility, that in just a few generations their blood would be in the White House?
Mrs. Obama steps into the White House in her office of executive support to the President with a graduate degree, which makes her the third first lady in a row, to possess one.  Way to catch and carry the baton Mrs. President and continue to run your leg strong.

Today’s Black History moment will be dedicated to the first African-American First Lady, Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama’s health movement is to be applauded. In fact, it is more than worthy of applause, that we are engaging a program that addresses an area where we have obviously been neglectful. We have either been the #1 obese country in the world or very close to it for the past several decades. We are losing loved ones every day whose lives may have been spared but for a change in diet.

We can all agree it starts at home so let us cooperate and participate in Michelle Obama’s health movement lest our children inherit our diseases based on diet like heart disease, diabetes, and etcetera. They learn by what they see us preparing and eating. Let us be humble enough to learn some new healthier habits, brave enough to try them, and strong enough to unlearn the previous habits.


People may say what they may, but you can’t ignore Michelle Obama’s educational achievements. Mrs. Obama came from the South Side of Chicago yet was the salutatorian of her high school.  She has graced the halls of Princeton and Harvard Universities and now the White House.

I really hope that the reader is able to see throughout the month that we have no excuses for not realizing our fullest potential. None. Jim Robinson her great-great grandfather on her father’s side was a slave in South Carolina. Melvinia Shields her great-great-great grandmother on her mother’s side was also a slave. They would have been proud to know that Michelle Obama’s educational achievements prove she did not squander her education. She was on the honor roll all four years in high school. But, was it in either of their minds even a possibility, that in just a few generations their blood would be in the White House?

Mrs. Obama steps into the White House in her office of executive support to the President with a graduate degree, which makes her the third first lady in a row to possess one.  Way to catch and carry the baton Mrs. President and continue to run your leg strong. And that’s why we’re dedicating this Black History moment to First Lady Michelle Obama.



Image credit: Instagram

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