DJ Trouble Enuff – Navy Veteran Is Catching Attention With Music

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It’s hard to label DJ Trouble Enuff. He is an American DJ-rapper-poet-singer-songwriter-producer-manager & CEO of Farmdogg/Troubled Entertainment & Indie Music Management. Born, Eric Dewayne Farmer to humble beginnings of East St. Louis, IL, he joined the military to acquire skills and obtain money for college. After leaving the military he pursued his dream of working in the music industry and starting his own business. Currently Eric is a family/business man and veteran of the United States Navy. Through the help of the Navy G/I Bill program Eric has completed an associate’s degree in general studies, earned a Bachelor’s in work force education as well as a Master’s Degree in human resources.
While stationed in San Diego, CA, in hopes of realizing his dream of working in the music industry, he along with two other friends (shipmates) formed the group Black Reality. The members were singer/song-writer Devin Ford, gifted rapper/songwriter Charles Gant along with Eric Dewayne Farmer. Devin, Charles and Eric performed at various shows & events at their Home-port station of San Diego, CA, and in other U.S. Cities and during overseas port visits. The port visits that generated the most applause and excitement were Saipan, Canada and Australia. The excitement of performing in front of huge crowds gave Eric the continued desire to accomplish his ultimate goal of working in the music industry and establishing his own entertainment company. After leaving the military Eric worked extensively networking, planning and developing ideas for his future company.

As CEO of Farmdogg/Troubled Entertainment, DJ Trouble Enuff promotes Hip hop artist such as rapper-songwriter Sphere TU and DJ/rapper, DJ Holla Black. Eric’s company promotes and manages the careers of DJ’s, dancers and video models as well. The music Eric writes and produces aims to raise awareness, promote equality, responsibility and social & economic consciousness of communities worldwide. In 2014, DJ Trouble Enuff, wrote, co-wrote, produced and released 4 Independent collaboration projects which have caught the attention of his peers, music fans, and several music executives. His collaboration projects are currently available on iTunes.

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