Food Stamp Benefits Cut Despite Soaring Grocery Prices

Food Stamp Benefits Cut

If you collect food stamp benefits, strap yourself in and hold tight because the government’s about to snatch them quicker than you’ve got them. Here’s what you need to know about the forthcoming food stamp benefits cut…

Individuals all around the United States, and the world for that matter, are hurting from inflation. Price spikes have affected nearly all aspects of everyday life; however, all grocery prices have hit all-time highs.

Due to inhibits against Russia, a beleaguered post-COVID-19 epidemic supply chain, and changes to the overall climate, society has confronted the ‘perfect storm’ and the economy has been flipped upside down.


Though, low-income households are the ones being hit the hardest. It appears times are about to get tougher, as the federal government recently declared it is dramatically slashing SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits in March 2023.

The fall of food stamp benefits is sadly upon us…

Food Stamp Benefits Cut Despite Soaring Grocery Prices

SNAP benefits were heightened by 15% in 2020 to assist low-income households during the COVID-19 breakout. All 50 states participated in the program, as well as the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam.

In September 2021, that program came to a close, though emergency allotments went out after that. 15+ states have ceased emergency allotment handouts, however, after February 2023, the supplementary benefits end for good.


Inflation has caused galactic boosts in grocery costs, leaving SNAP recipients to figure out where their next meals are going to come from. In 2022, food-at-home costs accrued by 11.5%, meaning that food stamp benefits will not stretch as far, leading to food instability and a possible increase in poverty and hunger, according to the USDA.

Do you feel food stamp benefits being cut will trigger protests and higher theft in stores? Sound off below!

Main Image: Pexels (igorovsyannykov)


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