[INTERVIEW] Former NFL Pro Bowl TE, Darren Waller Opens Up About Transition To Music, More

Darren Waller Interview
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Having been selected by the Baltimore Ravens in the 2015 NFL draft, former professional tight end Darren Waller, who previously played wide receiver at the college level for the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets, eventually forewent the gridiron for music by officially announcing his retirement – at age 31 after eight seasons – from the sport last June. Now, delivering hits in a whole other type of game, we caught up with him to learn about the transition, path to the decision and much more.  Find out all about it in our full Darren Waller interview below:

Parlé Mag:  Let’s hop right into this single, “Majoring In Minor,” featuring Westside Boogie — Tell me about this track; how did it even come to fruition?
Darren Waller:  We had a mutual connection that I played high school basketball with, who works at LVRN. He was able to make the connection, and it all happened pretty smoothly from there.

Parlé Mag:  How then does “Majoring In Minor” differ from previous Darren Waller entries?
Darren Waller:  “Majoring In Minor” differs from a lot of what I dropped this past year, which ironically makes it similar to the others because they all have differences sonically. This record is deep and reflects real thoughts and emotions; I’m experiencing all while on a style of production that I’ve never tapped into.


Parlé Mag:  Of course “Majoring In Minor” follows on the heels of November 2024’s EP, Internal Warfare: This Too Shall Pass — Conceptually, what does this title represent both to and for you?
Darren Waller:  Internal Warfare represents the battle between the ego and my true essence – spirit – that takes place daily. One side of me is sensitive, deep, kind and thoughtful, while I have another side of me that is more competitive, aggressive, and thrill seeking. With the 4 tracks on the EP, each side of me has 2 songs that reflect their respective energies.

Parlé Mag:  In ’24, you also released two other EPs; Mind Games: It’s All In Your Head and On Notice: Bag Talk respectively — Talk to me a lil bit about these projects…
Darren Waller:  I’ve enjoyed deviating from the typical single releases. I’m somebody that’s pretty new to the music space, so I don’t really feel pressure to follow certain rules or trends. These records are all meaningful to me because they helped me find joy through a difficult emotional year, so I didn’t want them to be forgotten as I continue to record lots of new stuff.

Darren Waller parle magParlé Mag:  From a lyrical standpoint, when you sit down to pen your rhymes where do you draw inspiration from?
Darren Waller:  Inspiration comes from so many different sources; from real life experiences, to a totally different genre of music than what I’m creating. Being in nature always makes me present, which I feel is the prerequisite for ideas to flow. My backyard has been an inspirational goldmine throughout 2024, with the mountain views, infinity pool, cigars, and great weather.


Parlé Mag:  How do you classify your own sound and style?
Darren Waller:  I  don’t know if there’s a word or a phrase to describe it. Maybe eclectic. I dropped acoustic songs, straight bars, and tracks with (a) more live production feel. I don’t have one distinct sound, nor do I really want to. I’m influenced by so much, and I love how that comes through (in) the variety of ideas I bring to life.

Parlé Mag:  Reflecting, tell me your whole inception into music — When did you first become interested in it? And, how did it all begin for Darren Waller?
Darren Waller:  I’ve been in awe of music my whole life. Listening to Hip-Hop in the car with my dad, and listening to my mom blast Michael Jackson, were some of my earliest memories. My great grandfather was Fats Waller, a legendary Jazz pianist, so I believe that music is in my blood. As far as creating, I didn’t start till 2015. This was on the heels of freestyles I would be part of with my college teammates, which I wasn’t too great at, but it gave me the faith that I could make some dope shit if I wrote.

Parlé Mag:  Now you’re a native of Landover, MD, but actually grew up in Atlanta, GA, correct? So coming up, who all did / do you consider to be your strongest musical influences?
Darren Waller:  Yup, born in Maryland, and raised in GA. My earliest influences were Hip-Hop artists my pops listened to; Gang Starr, Mos Def, ODB. From there, I came across Jay-Z. And then growing up in Atlanta, I loved Ludacris… and then eventually Gucci.


Darren Waller parle mag interviewParlé Mag:  Career-wise, music took a backseat to sports, and you went on to not only play but also be a standout star in the NFL, as well as a top Pro Bowl selection — Share with our readers something personal about your time spent in the National Football League…
Darren Waller:  It’s still wild to believe some of the success I was able to achieve in the NFL. I never grew up thinking I was gonna be in the league, but I just kept getting better over a really long period of time, and continued to create room for myself. My time in the NFL was really just the proof I needed that I can achieve excellence in whatever I devote my full self into!

Parlé Mag:  Switching gears here, what exactly do you want people to get from your music?
Darren Waller:  I want them to experience a wide range of feelings when they listen to me. I know a lot of people – me included for most of my life – would rather find ways to escape our emotions or numb out, but my music challenges them to embrace what they’re feeling. Whether it’s anger, joy, fear, passion or anything in between, accepting these feelings as the fullness of the human experience allows us to live a life of great depth.

Parlé Mag:  If you could collaborate with any one artist, living or dead, who would it be and why?
Darren Waller:  I would have to say Kendrick. He is insanely talented, without sacrificing his authenticity or the message he wants to convey. Plus, I think we are aligned in values, and I like to create with people I know and respect.


Parlé Mag:  Do you have any other additional aspirations, maybe even completely away from music?
Darren Waller:  Totally. I want to travel and see the world. I want to write a book; at least one. I enjoy public speaking, so I would love to develop that into a craft. My highest aspiration is to break generational trauma and cycles. I want to continue to heal and mend the relationship I have to the younger versions of myself, so that I don’t pass on what has been passed through my family tree.

Parlé Mag:  What’s an average day like for you?
Darren Waller:  I live a much slower life these days. I wake up, pray and meditate, go on a walk, work out and hit a 12 step meeting before I do anything. I’m reading a lot more these days, playing piano, doing therapy 1-2 times a week, and connecting with my friends in the area.

Darren Waller and Westside Boogie


Parlé Mag:  What is your favorite part about this line of work? Your least favorite? And, why?
Darren Waller:  My favorite part is the whole journey; from idea to finished product. Everything in between. There’s nothing I would put above any other part of the process because every step is necessary and full of joy. My least favorite would probably be the content creation aspect of being an artist. But, even with that, my relationship with content is becoming one of appreciation as I’m no longer as isolated as I used to be, and enjoy sharing my true self with the world.

Parlé Mag:  What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?
Darren Waller:  Success will ultimately be empty if you’re doing it for external validation or because you “should” do it. Be courageous enough to blaze a trail that we have yet to see anyone else walk. Even if you aren’t successful by the metrics of the world, at least you can respect who you see in the mirror, which is true wealth, in my opinion 🙂 .

Parlé Mag:  Looking ahead, say five or maybe even ten years from now, where do you see yourself?
Darren Waller:  No idea, (laughs)! Never thought I’d be in any of the places I’ve been in the last decade. So, I’m just taking things one day at a time, and trusting that I’m being guided exactly where my impact is needed.


Parlé Mag:  As for the immediate, what’s next for you, Darren?
Darren Waller:  Enjoying my life. I’ve spent a long time working and grinding, but aren’t we supposed to enjoy this thing at some point? Yeah, that’s what I’m on. Simplicity.

Parlé Mag:  Lastly, any “parting” words for our readers?
Darren Waller:  In the words of Tacitus, “The desire for safety stands against every great and noble enterprise.” So, go take that risk you’ve always wanted to take and watch what happens!

Image Credits:  ARod2Up


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Todd Davis
Veteran music journalist and indie publicist Todd Davis, who hails from the San Francisco Bay Area, and has contributed to a variety of national, regional, online, weekly and daily media outlets; including The Source, XXL & Billboard, to name a few, is happy to report that he has recently joined the Parlé Magazine family. Looking forward to many great things to come...