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Over the course of history, people have sought, fought and yearned for love. They have paid umpteen thousands of dollars on psychologists, self-image consultants and online dating services to find that special someone to complete and fulfill their lives. When all hope is lost, others have tried to fill this deeply personal void through the collection of things, belief in the supernatural and in the acquisition of wealth. In the end, this emptiness can only be truly filled by the connection to a person of the same or opposite sex. As a male, my experience mirrors that of many others. I have longed for the wholeness and satisfaction that could only be found in a loving relationship with another person. As a heterosexual, my preference is women …thus my journey has included females of every race, color and creed.
Throughout my life I’ve found that feminine companionship provides a stimulus that cannot be duplicated or ignored. I love a woman’s smell, touch, taste, walk and conversation. There is nothing more pure and suggestive then the subtly sway in a woman’s hips as she approaches you. The evocative stare as she looks towards her man is enough to surrender the strongest among us. Although a woman’s physical attributes evoke the most primal responses within me, I am equally slain by the depth of their intellect. Many times, I have been left perplexed by a woman’s response to my innermost thoughts. Their creative and enlightened minds drive me to want to hold them, chase them, catch them and love them with all the energy and fullness of my manhood. They are my greatest treasure and I seek them like a pirate on an endless dangerous journey without pause or concern.
Today, after a young lifetime of female encounters, I know that only one kind of woman can satisfy me. I require a woman that is cultured, sexy, mature, spiritual and most importantly, Black or African American if you’re politically correct.
Let there be no doubt, this black man loves black women. This is a growing conclusion from men of color. I personally crave Sistas on multiple levels and for a myriad of reasons. I love Sistas of every shade and size. From the cinnamons, golden honeys, milk chocolates and jet-black coffee colored queens. I also love their temperaments, attitudes and feistiness, vulnerability and down right sexiness. For me, a Sistas mind holds a seriousness and soulfulness that has the capacity to sustain a family while empowering their men to reach and aspire for the impossible. However, I am not naïve enough to believe that they are not capable to live without the Brothas.
Sistas have the ability to lead, manage and govern a town, city and yes…a Nation. They do not require a man to be complete or to be satisfied; either emotionally or sexually. Nevertheless, given this fact, Sistas still remain selflessly open and humble to their men…specifically black men.
Thus for me, black women are the personification of beauty, the giver of life and the perfect mate…Oops, I meant soulmate.
My black queen walks next to me proudly and with grace. Her love carries me when I’m hurt and sustains me for the long haul. She possesses a resilience that holds our family together with loving glue that I believe is secretly blessed by the Almighty.
I love my black woman, more than any other woman in the world because loving her comes naturally. I would gladly give my life in her honor without hesitation or regret.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson sums up these sentiments best when he shares his reason for loving of black women.
“My mother was Black and my grandmother was Black….[And because] there is a glorious heritage of Black women who were tough enough to resist their oppressor and tender enough to give birth to our families. That’s why I love Black women.”
~ Rev. Jesse Jackson
To all the Sistas of the world, I offer my love and prayers for God’s blessing on your lives.
To the Sista that owns my heart, I say, “I love you and thank God for the beauty and completeness of life I have in you. May I repay it with a lifetime of loyalty, fulfillment and honor; for you are my Black American queen.”
~G. Anthony Knowles
Over the course of history, people have sought, fought and yearned for love. They have paid umpteen thousands of dollars on psychologists, self-image consultants and online dating services to find that special someone to complete and fulfill their lives. When all hope is lost, others have tried to fill this deeply personal void through the collection of things, belief in the supernatural and in the acquisition of wealth. In the end, this emptiness can only be truly filled by the connection to a person of the same or opposite sex. As a male, my experience mirrors that of many others. I have longed for the wholeness and satisfaction that could only be found in a loving relationship with another person. As a heterosexual, my preference is women… thus my journey has included females of every race, color and creed.
Throughout my life I’ve found that feminine companionship provides a stimulus that cannot be duplicated or ignored. I love a woman’s smell, touch, taste, walk and conversation. There is nothing more pure and suggestive then the subtle sway in a woman’s hips as she approaches you. The evocative stare as she looks towards her man is enough to surrender the strongest among us. Although a woman’s physical attributes evoke the most primal responses within me, I am equally slain by the depth of their intellect. Many times, I have been left perplexed by a woman’s response to my innermost thoughts. Their creative and enlightened minds drive me to want to hold them, chase them, catch them and love them with all the energy and fullness of my manhood. They are my greatest treasure and I seek them like a pirate on an endless dangerous journey without pause or concern.
Today, after a young lifetime of female encounters, I know that only one kind of woman can satisfy me. I require a woman that is cultured, sexy, mature, spiritual and most importantly, Black or African American if you’re politically correct.
Let there be no doubt, this black man loves Black women. This is a growing conclusion from men of color. I personally crave Sistas on multiple levels and for a myriad of reasons. I love Sistas of every shade and size. From the cinnamons, golden honeys, milk chocolates and jet-black coffee colored queens. I also love their temperaments, attitudes and feistiness, vulnerability and down right sexiness. For me, a Sistas mind holds a seriousness and soulfulness that has the capacity to sustain a family while empowering their men to reach and aspire for the impossible. However, I am not naïve enough to believe that they are not capable to live without the Brothas.
Sistas have the ability to lead, manage and govern a town, city and yes… a Nation. They do not require a man to be complete or to be satisfied; either emotionally or sexually. Nevertheless, given this fact, Sistas still remain selflessly open and humble to their men… specifically Black men.
Thus for me, Black women are the personification of beauty, the giver of life and the perfect mate…Oops, I meant soulmate.
My Black queen walks next to me proudly and with grace. Her love carries me when I’m hurt and sustains me for the long haul. She possesses a resilience that holds our family together with loving glue that I believe is secretly blessed by the Almighty.
I love my Black woman, more than any other woman in the world because loving her comes naturally. I would gladly give my life in her honor without hesitation or regret.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson sums up these sentiments best when he shares his reason for loving of black women.
“My mother was Black and my grandmother was Black….[And because] there is a glorious heritage of Black women who were tough enough to resist their oppressor and tender enough to give birth to our families. That’s why I love Black women.” ~ Rev. Jesse Jackson
To all the Sistas of the world, I offer my love and prayers for God’s blessing on your lives.
To the Sista that owns my heart, I say, “I love you and thank God for the beauty and completeness of life I have in you. May I repay it with a lifetime of loyalty, fulfillment and honor; for you are my Black American queen.” ~G. Anthony Knowles
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