“I didn’t choose writing, writing chose me.” Self-published author, Tamika Newhouse says that she’s been writing since she had the ability to form sentences. Newhouse states that although many people take creative writing classes to hone their skills, writing has been something that has always come naturally to her.
Tamika Newhouse is a prime example of the effects of hard-work. At 19, Newhouse was struggling to find her own identity, while raising her three year old daughter and being a stay at home wife she began to write her first novel. The excitement of having something of her own in the works was enough for Newhouse to take herself seriously as an author. After completing her first novel, she was introduced to a host of self-published authors on her MySpace bookclub, African Americans on the Move. The following year, she founded Delphine Publications and published her first work of fiction.
Just nine months after the release of her first novel, The Ultimate No-No, Newhouse began gaining major recognition for her work. She won the 2009 African-American Literary Award for Self-Published Author of the Year. That same year her book club, African Americans on the Move, also received the award for Book Club of the Year. Newhouse states that she was very surprised by the success, yet humbled. She makes it a point not to focus on awards and other accolades, knowing that there is a much grander picture and ultimate goal to be obtained.

The role Tamika Newhouse has taken has grown tremendously. Newhouse is a self-published author and founder of her own publishing company, and has now turned her talents into the role of a motivational speaker as well. She speaks to groups about topics ranging from teen pregnancy to the basics of marketing. Newhouse works diligently, traveling throughout the United States spreading the knowledge and wisdom she has gained throughout her career with those looking to achieve similar rankings.
Her favorite topic to speak on is titled, From Teen Mom to CEO, for which she was featured in Essence Magazine. While speaking, she encourages mothers to not only be identified through their children stating, “women can become just ‘baby mothers’. Don’t give up your dreams because you have a child. One day your child is going to be grown and they aren’t going to want to be around you, then what? Start your business. Do something to get to your ultimate goal.”
Newhouse’s advice to aspiring novelists is simply, “Just write the book. Finish the book. Make your dreams come true.” Indeed she has done the work and written the books. Between juggling the roles of being a mother of two, founder of Delphine Publications and motivational speaker, Newhouse has found the time to write her 8th novel. Cookie 2: Lyrics Song, which will be released by Delphine Publications on Tuesday, March 19th.