Home Celebrity Profiles Authors Author Zane Rounds Out Her Trilogy with Latest, Vengeance

Author Zane Rounds Out Her Trilogy with Latest, Vengeance

Author Zane

Author Zane Lets Us Into The World of Vengeance with the Next Chapter of the Addicted Series

When we last spoke with Author Zane, she was uncovering the publishing industry for new writers with her book, Infinite Words.  She wrote a comprehensive guide for writers that are interested in learning about breaking into the industry, the do’s and don’ts and how to get their foot through the right doors by avoiding simple amateur mistakes.  She’s expecting to offer more teachings about this and will be setting up online training courses in an effort to get people on the right track.


Now, she’s about ready to release the next title in the Addicted series.  Are you ready?  Vengeance will be on sale starting May 24th.  Living a triple life, international pop star Wicket, aka Ladonna Sterling, aka Caprice Tatum is planning a return to her roots in the Atlanta.  Forced to flee twenty-five years earlier after being raped; Wicket is looking to settle the score with her perpetrators with a little blind-sided vengeance.  Dr. Marcella Spencer, therapist from both Addicted and Nervous; tries to advise Wicket, but will it work?   Rounding out the trilogy, you can expect those usual steamy scenes but Vengeance promises twists, turns and darkness as it touches on Wicket’s battle with her mental illness and a good ole fashion, eye for an eye plot.



From reading the promo about the impending book release, I was left with so many questions and of course it was full of cliffhangers that just teased me into wanting more details.  So I asked Zane, what’s her secret to building such well-rounded characters that are easy to relate to for the average reader.  Zane says that, “Many of the woman that I write about are flawed and have as many issues and problems as possible.  I want the reader to believe if the character can overcome it, so can they.

“Wicket, living an even more complicated triple live was very fascinating to write.  Many characters in my books led a double life and that’s why they are so relatable to my readers.”  There are two sides to everyone and it’s easy to fantasize about how life would be if we took that bite of forbidden fruit; similar to the women in Zane’s books.   After you read the latest in the trilogy, I just wonder how many will be led to act on their double life tendencies and how many will be able to curb them?



Author Zane
Changing the monotony a little bit, Author Zane is working on her range and giving us a deeper side of herself as she works on her next project.  She says it’s a humbling experience and the subject matter is both serious and empowering for woman.  She talks about meeting a woman that was misdiagnosed with cancer and after several surgeries, it turned out that she never had cancer in the first place.  She also briefly mentions a woman whose husband came home one day and killed their children and then himself with no explanation.  How do you deal with that, how does one actually cope in the aftermath?  We’ll find out as these powerful stories and more, are being compiled into an interesting film documentary by Zane.   She hopes to get it in front of a few film festivals later this year.



In addition, Zane’s still helping authors publish through her company Strebor Books.  In a climate when bookstores are closing down, I asked how she’s able to sustain publishing books at such a rapid rate.  Her response was, publishers are still publishing.  While she’s not publishing at the same rate as she used to and distribution channels have certainly changed…the shop is still open.  Authors like Allison Hobbs have their own following and their readers are expecting new material.  And this is one of the many ways publishing houses are able to sustain.


It’s always a pleasure catching up with Author Zane and getting insight on upcoming projects she’s working on.  Don’t forget, her new book, Vengeance will be on sale starting May 24th and she’s currently in production with her first documentary.
