Holiday Romance Advice from the Authors of ‘THE PERFECT PRESENT’

Holiday Romance
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From first flirtations, to keeping the magic alive, to finding love and companionship in your golden years, these three romance experts offer some holiday advice to guide you through your romantic endeavors this holiday season.


The Perfect Present
Author Cheris Hodges

From Cheris Hodges:
The magic of the season is one of the most romantic times of the year. Everyone’s dressed to impress and are on his or her best behavior. So why not turn the most wonderful time of the year into flirting season?


Just follow these tips:

  • Nothing is more attractive than a smiling face. Imagine looking across the room and seeing that one person in a fly outfit smiling at you. Take him or her a drink, then get the number.
  • Sing a Christmas Carol off key. If you can’t laugh at yourself, then make someone else do it. This is a great icebreaker and you’re getting closer to a midnight kiss on New Year’s Eve.


If all else fails, you will have a wonderful time and an open invite to all future holiday parties!


the Perfect Present
Author Pamela Yaye

From Pamela Yaye:

Romancing Your Bae 101

You don’t need to be a multi-millionaire, or own a private jet to make your bae feel special this holiday season. All you need is a burning desire to please the one you love. Show your partner they’re your number one priority and ditch your cell phone for the night. Then, dim the lights, put on some romantic Christmas music (you can never go wrong with a Brian McKnight CD!) and dance in each other’s arms. Tell them how much you love and appreciate them and I guarantee the bedroom will be your next stop! ? Happy Holidays!


The Perfect Present
Author Rochelle Alers

From Rochelle Alers:


Juliet Simmons attached a gift tag to the gaily-wrapped box and left it outside her neighbor’s apartment door, hoping it would cheer up the retired chef who was becoming more and more of a recluse. The last time she spoke to the taciturn widower, he’d mentioned not spending the Christmas holidays with extended family. And the few times she saw him venture outdoors he hadn’t worn a hat, scarf, or gloves despite the frigid temperatures.


Juliet suspected he was still grieving the loss of his wife, and knew it would take time for him to accept that his lifelong partner was no longer there. She knew what he was going through because five years before she wasn’t prepared for the abruptness of not going to bed and waking up next to the man with whom she had promised to love forever. Although she missed her husband, Juliet managed to keep busy rereading the classics she had introduced to high school students during her forty years as a teacher, and knitting garments for the residents at the local extended care senior facility.


Early Christmas morning, she opened the door to find Robert Maynard standing there wearing the knitted hat, scarf, and gloves she had left for him. He handed her a note: Will you share Christmas dinner with me tonight?


Juliet smiled. It was just like Robert to offer her a written invitation rather than ask her to eat with him. Talk about a man of few words, she mused. “Of course I will.”


Lines fanned out around Robert’s eyes when he returned her smile. “Thank you.” He paused. “I know I’ve never said it, but I think you’re very pretty.” That said, he turned on his heel and walked away.


Juliet’s smile was still in place after she closed the door. She fluffed up her short gray hair with her fingers. He believed her pretty, and she thought him incredibly handsome. And if only for one evening they would offer each other the perfect Christmas present for two widowed people: companionship.

Friendship or companionship isn’t just for the young, but for anyone willing to open their hearts and minds to accept the greatest gift of all: LOVE.

The Perfect Present
Cheris Hodges, Pamela Yaye & Rochelle Alers are the authors of The Perfect Present, out now via Kensington Publishing Corp.

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