Tips for Building and Proving Your Sales Cred to Land Your Next Sales Job

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If you want to land a position in sales, you’re going to need to prove your sales cred. Unless you have years of successful sales experience though, this is going to take some work.

Keep reading to learn a few simple tips that will help you build and prove your sales skills and create a resume that’ll have you landing your dream sales job in no time!

Consider Your Past Experiences

One of the biggest things that potential employers are going to be looking for is the skills that you have that would make you a good salesperson. Even if you’ve never held a title with the word “sales” in it, odds are that you do have at least some of the skills they are looking for. Take some time to consider any jobs or positions you’ve held in the past, and the duties you had that might translate to sales experience.

A magazine editor who is in charge of contacting businesses to buy ads has skills that directly translate to a job in sales. A tax preparer, receptionist, or bank teller has an ability to connect with clients that will work well when they need to help convince customers to make a sale. Even if you worked in a restaurant or in retail, you’ve developed skills that your future employer is looking for. You just need to hone in on what they are and be ready to talk about how they will help you succeed as a salesperson.

Hone Your Skills

With your existing skills already identified, it’s time to further develop them, as well as to build any skills you might be lacking. Whether you opt for online classes, look for night classes at local universities, or perhaps adult education programs at community centers, there are plenty of ways to learn and develop sales skills.

A class doesn’t need to be labeled “sales” or even business to be useful for your future career. Courses in communication, public speaking, networking, advertising, writing, and time management can all help you show employers that you have the skills they are looking for.

Choose the Right References

It isn’t just your sales skills that employers will be looking for. Armed with your resume, they’ll also be looking to prove that you can really do what you claim to be capable of. That’s where your references come in. Just as you worked carefully to explain the skills you have that would make you a good employee, you also need to carefully consider your references before you list them.

Try to choose references who know about your unique skills and who will be likely to play them up. The last thing you want to do is have your potential employer call someone who might not have good things to say about you. Avoid choosing friends or family; your employer doesn’t need to hear that you are a good, honest person. They want to know about your professional side. Don’t forget to let your references know that you’ve listed them. That way they’ll be prepared when they get the call and can look back over your work or think about your time working together.

Get Selling

Of course, the best way to build your sales cred and land your next sales job is to actually sell products. Starting your own side hustle is a wonderful way to do this.

With Amway, you can quickly and easily launch your own business and start selling quality products directly to your clients. You’ll have a chance to try out your skills and practice new ones. You’ll learn what works well and what doesn’t work at all. If you’re worried about Amway pyramid scheme rumors, don’t be; unlike real pyramid schemes where sellers only make money through convincing their friends and family to sell too, with Amway, business owners sell real products directly to real customers to earn their profits.

Landing Your First (Or Next) Sales Job

Dreaming of landing your next sales job, or maybe your very first? By thinking about your previous jobs, honing and improving your skills, and launching your own business to gain a bit of real experience, you can prep your resume and master the interview in no time.

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