How to Choose the Perfect Color Palette for Your Home

choose the color palette for your home
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When it comes to making renovations or moving into a new home, picking the right colors is a big deal. From the colors on your walls, ceilings and even the flooring, tiles in the kitchen and the bathrooms and so on, all of these colors are the foundation on which you will build the interior of your home. However, it can prove to be quite daunting when you have such a wide variety of options to choose from when it comes to colors. This is why there are different kinds of palettes available that provide you with color combinations that go well together, instead of you having to stress over what goes with what. So how does one choose the color palette for their home? Read on to find out how to make this process easier.



The first thing you need to do is to look at the overall house plan- are there rooms opening into each other? Can you see a room from the kitchen or vice versa? Where is there a view to the outdoors? All of these factors will play a role in your final color palette, because if one room affects the other, then they have to mesh.


Another factor that you should keep in mind is that while you can always change the color of your walls without too much hassle, changing furniture and flooring is going to be a real problem. Changing the color of your wall yourself using a paint sprayer for instance, will not take any time at all. You should actually keep one on you regardless, and the options found on this website along with some really helpful reviews will help you pick the best one for your needs. So it’s best to focus on your interior to use that as a guide for your choice in colors. You should also think about the fact that if you have a two story home, then you can play with two completely different palettes as well.


Naturally, you will want to start off with the room that you feel has the main focus of the house. This is usually the living room, kitchen, and then the bedrooms. Usually, the living room has the most focus because this is where the family gathers or where you entertain guests, so you want to ensure that palette choice begins from here, and that it also blends well with any surrounding rooms that may be in view.



The most important deciding factor that will really help you narrow down your color palette is the furniture you have already picked or have in mind. You need to have a color palette that works with all of the furniture and decor that you’ve chosen, so you’re going to want to ensure that you have a good idea over the general themes that you’re going to be working within each room. This is really going to go a long way in narrowing down the correct color palette for your home.



One thing you need to keep in mind is that it is always advisable to keep connecting spaces done in neutral colors so that there is no clashing and to keep it classy and flowing as well. This includes the reception area or the corridors in your home.


Once you’ve gotten through all the steps provided above, and narrowed down your color palette to a couple of options, the best way to make your decision is to get yourself large sample cards, and even actual samples of the paint itself to test against your interior. This will definitely help you come down to the final palette that you can confidently use. This is the best way to confirm once and for all which colors can work for you best.


You can see now that choosing a color palette that will work for your whole home won’t be as daunting as you thought it would be., If you follow the guidelines that have been suggested in this article, it will make the process much more organized for you, and it will also help you to confidently narrow down your options. All it takes is understanding the flow of your home and how colors work together along with your interior, and you should have no trouble at all. Prioritizing the colors you pick for your furniture and decor will truly be the defining factor when all is said and done.


Photo by from Pexels


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