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Five Useful Study Hacks For College Students

Study Hacks
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The studying process does not necessarily have to be hard. Thus, you can delegate some of your papers to professionals from the best custom essay writing service to free up more time while maintaining high academic performance. There are various simple methods that can be utilized to simplify the whole process. Not all methods are suitable for every person; however, by trying a couple of them, you can discover methods that are suitable for you and abide by them for the betterment of your grades. The following five study hacks to help simplify the studying process by boosting focus, eliminating distractions, increasing productivity levels, and helping concentration.

Study Hacks That Will Improve Your Studying

Block Online Distractions

We have all done this at one point or another – You stationed yourself before your computer with the best intentions, planning to delve into your studies, and then you glanced at your watch and realized you have been watching funny cat videos for the past hour.


The internet can easily suck you in and make you ignorantto the concept of passing time. If this problem is a recurring one for you, it is advisable to resort to apps like Freedom (PC) or Self-Control (Mac). These apps make it possible for you toset a certain amount of time where you will be restricted from accessing the internet. You can also block specific sites (such as Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook)if you require the internet for study-related purposes. Blocking online distractions is an effective technique on how to study fast with concentration.

Do not Cram

Studying a day or two prior to your exam might seem like a wise option, however, this is one of the worst ways to prepare. It is fundamental to digest things slowly over time. Try allocating twenty minutes of study time each day so you can effectively review the context of all your classes.


First, go over the notes from previous lessons. If you have taken proper notes, highlight important concepts and terms. Study hacks make the process easier – and simplicity is a direct advantage of appropriate note-taking. Do not re-write everything your instructor says or everything you read in a course book. Cut out information you already know and avoid writing down anything repetitive or irrelevant.

Next, delve into your reading assignments. You do not have to complete the entire chapter; you just have to make progress which ultimately equals fewer hours in reading before the exam. Do not lose sleep in efforts of cramming. Waking up too early or pulling an all-nighter can be damaging. Cram sessions are wasteful because you hardly retain the information.

Study Hacks
Take Short Breaks


Studying for a prolonged period has never really benefitted anyone. Ideally, it may seem beneficial, but studies confirm that the mind wanders after prolonged hours spend on one task.  Use a timer to determine how much time you spend in studying before your mind wanders and you completely lose focus. Whether it is thirty minutes or two hours, ensure that you break at those intervals. A ten-minute break after focusing on a single activity can reboot your brain and increase your attention when you resume studying.

Switch Settings

The library might be the first place you resort to when you need to study but it might not be the most preferred space to do so. Experts from Perfect Essay strongly emphasize that switching your study location may help you retain information. The memory sensors in your brain are linked to your study location, therefore, try experimenting with various study locations.


Instead of the basic campus library, try studying in a local park, coffee shop, public library, or an art gallery. Once you discover which space encourages efficient studying for you, revisit them frequently. But bear in mind that changing your scenery can help you recall information. Change your scenery every so often for maximum results.

Get Ample Sleep and Chew Gum

If your memory is not as spectacular, it is wise for you to get more sleep – and chew gum, lots of it. In citation to a study conducted by the Sleep Foundation, the brain goes through changes as one sleeps that are advantageous in strengthening memory. Studies show that as one sleeps, memories are transported to different brain areas, making it simpler to learn and recall new information. Research further shows that individuals who get sufficient sleep recall memories more accurately and faster than those who do not.


Chewing gum during testing and studying is also beneficial. Research demonstrates that the act of chewing gum stimulates your brain; increasing your cerebral blood flow and heart rate, and keeping you awake. This means you are more alert and can better focus on your reading. Therefore, chomp on your favorite flavor as it is a study hack.


Study hacks for college students exist in many forms. One fundamental factor to bear in mind is that everyone learns differently. The above five study hacks are mainly universal and work successfully for most students.  These hacks are easy to stick to and implement–getting sufficient sleep, eliminating distractions, and taking short breaks are all methods of effective studying. These activities allow the brain to focus sharply and rejuvenate, which means you will easily retain information and recall it faster during an exam.


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