The African-American Revolution Will Not Be Televised

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“…And it ain’t gonna stop with Obama
To save the world we must start from the bottom”
~ “Sour Patch Kids” by Asher Roth

This all came about when I was watching an ad for 40oz Malt liquor; although the commercial was racially insensitive, we gotta be realistic. What type of people drink 40s? I know I don’t see Tiger Woods on the green gripping a 40 or Barack at the podium taking swigs in-between sentences. Therefore, I wasn’t as upset at the fact that everyone in the ad was black and African-American.

Journey with me as I give a brief lesson of our black history.  Keep in mind, I am no historian and my high school black history teacher was a white guy (that’s another story). It all started in the motherland of Africa, check your history books because this is where all life originates. I won’t bore you with a history lesson so here’s the footnotes, from Africa to slavery to the civil war to the civil rights, we as a people have come a long way. But still our fight is just beginning.


The term African-American, although harmless to some but to others (African-immigrants) find this offensive because Black-American didn’t immigrate from Africa like they did and the mashing of racial groups is in itself quite infuriating (i.e. ___-American this and ___-American that). Be proud who you are and where you come from but I myself didn’t come here directly from Africa. I’m sure somewhere down in my ancestry my people came over from the motherland but I was born in the United States. I see myself as a human being first as we all should and then everything after that is secondary.

With the 2008 Presidential election of Barack Obama, we were witnesses to a new era of change and hope. There were record numbers of people turning out to vote both old and young; it was a gracious sight to see.  I wish we’d apply ourselves like this more often. I often wonder why we as a people put so much emphasizes on racial situations. I try to look at everyone as a human being before anything else. Don’t get me wrong, I am not ungrateful of the sacrifices and paths that my ancestors have set for me to live the way I do today. It just doesn’t seem like anything in my generation is truly worth fighting for. Yeah, there are still some injustices around that we must amend, but utopia isn’t just a dream. It can be a reality too. A reality for all of us, including African-Americans.  I hope someday soon we can come together like that Beatles song says.

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Adrian "A.D." Dubard
Born in Washington DC, Adrian was placed in the care of his maternal grandparents after his mother died when he was a baby. For the most part of his life, Adrian’s biological father was absent from his life. Growing up with a house full of cousins, aunts and uncles, Adrian began his love of writing to document his surroundings. Attending a private school for 9 ½ years, it was there that many influential teachers help strengthen his love of writing via English and creative writing classes. Even though, Adrian loved to write he was reserved about what he wrote about. Leaving DC at the age of 7, Adrian and his family moved to Temple Hills, Maryland in Prince George’s not too far from where he had lived previously. Luckily, Adrian had taken part in many youth outreach programs as a youth that allowed him to travel and see the country, many kids he knew around his own age hadn’t even left the city. These experiences opened his eyes to other cultures and ways of living. As a teenager, Adrian had many friends who passed away before their time but he promised to keep writing to honor their memory. Other than writing, Adrian has helped various charities rise by going on public speaking tours. Some of these charities include The Safe Haven Project and The Journey of Hope. He has contributed to several book projects and currently resides in Queens, NY. Read more articles by Adrian.