Usually when you hear a young man speak of sports, they usually talk about how they are going to be the next LeBron James or Terrell Owens. It is almost a rare breed to hear about a young man who chooses to go into the business side of things. “I’d like to think of myself as a cross between Jerry Maguire and Ari Gold from Entourage,” says Marquis Taylor who happens to be the General Manager of Mogul Sports Group, “As a person who played sports and majored in business, I know both sides very well.”
A couple years ago, at the age of 22, Taylor was able to start his own business by including two hobbies he loved, sports and business management. “What I do is extremely hard and competitive because no one shows you what to do and there aren’t a lot of people I can look up in this business like there are in sports.” Taylor states on his tasks of shaping and molding the careers of young athletes. Although many of Taylor’s clients are overseas, that has not excluded his company from reaching a high-ranking status in the world of sports management. When asked what the secret was to obtaining a good client Marquis says, “We target players who have demonstrated a clear understanding of the sport and have excelled in every way imaginable from their peers, not just athletically but they’ve adapted a level of maturity as well.”
In the world of sports, the athlete may be the focus, but its people like Marquis Taylor and the Mogul Sports Group that help give the public the polished finished product. As Marquis looks to expand his international empire in the sports world, he offered words of advice for fellow entrepreneurs, “There is no greater satisfaction then pursuing your dreams and aspirations and there is no greater fulfillment then watching your dreams become a reality as a result of hard work. This is why one should never allow outside forces to deter them from your goals, steer them off uncharted paths or scare them into a state of complacency.”
We at Parlé would like to wish Marquis and his company, Mogul Sports Groups much success. Our readers and fans can checkout Taylor’s company’s website, or email Marquis directly at,
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