CBD Oil Potency: 5 Key Ways to Identify High Quality CBD Oil

CBD Oil Potency
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In 2018, the global cannabis market was worth $14.5 billion with growth expectations of $22 billion by 2022.

With those statistics, it’s no wonder why new companies are cropping up everywhere to manufacture and sell CBD oil.

The hidden danger with this industry is CBD oil potency and purity is not fully regulated, making it easy for scammers and unethical companies to sell you low-quality and even fake, CBD oil.

If you are in the market to purchase CBD oil, here are 5 ways to make sure you’re getting the best quality.

Safe Farming Practices

Cannabis plants are characterized as hyperaccumulators, meaning they easily absorb whatever is present in the soil they grow in.

If the soil is rich and full of nutrients the plants will also be rich and full of nutrients.

On the other hand, if the soil is low quality and full of heavy toxins and metals, the plants will absorb those harmful elements and will not be safe for you to use.

A simple check of the manufacturer’s website should tell you all you need to know.

Look for: safe farming practices that use little to no chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides.

Safe Extraction Methods

The CBD industry is fairly new, meaning there are not many FDA regulations for the manufacturing process.

Unfortunately, the lack of regulations allows unethical companies to use cheap extraction methods in poorly ventilated and unsafe environments.

The safest methods extract the highest amount of cannabinoids, the active compound in cannabis, with the least amount of chemical residue.

Safe extraction methods also result in a longer shelf-life.

The manufacturer’s website will detail the extraction method used for CBD oil. Look for ethanol, CO2 and thermal extraction.

Complete Label Information

Another way to identify the quality of your CBD oil is to read the label carefully. Most reputable companies will follow the vitamins and supplements FDA guidelines for labeling.

Look for:

  • The amount of THC should not be more than .03%.
  • Full-spectrum or whole plant indicates the oil is made from the primary and secondary compounds of the hemp plant and not just the cannabinoids.
  • The expiration date should be between 12-18 months.

Third-Party Lab Results

Reputable CBD companies have their product tested by a third-party lab and make those results available to potential customers, usually via their website or by request.

This is important because it’s a sure way to make sure you are not buying fake CBD oil.

The lab results will show the potency of the oil, the amount of THC, and the level of contaminants in the oil.

The lab report should have the name of the testing facility and the date the oil was tested.

Company Reputation

Even if everything else checks out, always do a little research on the company selling the CBD oil.

If the company has a negative history with quality, you will likely be able to find online reviews detailing customer’s experiences.

Aside from customer reviews, you can also get an idea of the quality by the prices. Companies selling CBD oil at extremely low prices are likely selling a low-quality product.

Tip: Use this calculator to check the average price of CBD oil per milligram.

Final Thoughts on CBD Oil Potency

CBD oil potency and overall quality matters, By taking a few precautions, you can ensure you’re buying safe, high-quality CBD oil.

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