Prior to COVID-19, it’s safe to say most dates took place in person. Now, because of the global pandemic — and the mask and social distancing mandates that have been part of daily life for more than a year — people have had to get a bit creative when it comes to dating.
After texting a potential new love interest for several days, you’re now ready to “meet” each other face to face. So, you’ve decided to go for the global pandemic version of a first date by scheduling a virtual meetup through FaceTime or Zoom.
While you’re excited to see this person and get to know him or her a bit better, albeit, through a computer or smartphone screen, you are understandably a bit nervous. To help look and feel your best for your upcoming online date, consider the following tips:
Pay Attention to Your Appearance
For people who have spent the majority of their time at home during the pandemic in sweats and/or yoga pants, it’s time to get back to your usual fashionable self for a virtual date. Essentially, plan to wear what you would if you were meeting in person, and be sure to shower ahead of time and have your hair and makeup looking great.
To help feel as confident as possible during this unusual first date, consider treating yourself to either a new shirt, earrings and/or lingerie. Indeed, wearing sexy undergarments underneath your clothing can help your confidence and personality to shine through, even on a virtual date.
Plan Something to Do
To help the first date not feel completely awkward — and to encourage you both to have fun and relax — plan an actual activity of some kind. Instead of potentially sitting there on Zoom in long periods of silence, figure out ahead of time some fun things to do. For instance, if you meet online during dinner, you can still share a meal together.
Order takeout from the same place or you could even cook the same meal and talk about food you love and prefer not to eat. If you both have pets, the first virtual date is a perfect time to introduce them. Or, if you’re both game lovers and own the same board games, make it a point to play together.
Get the Lighting Right
Another way to look your best during your virtual date is with correct lighting. As such, figure out your webcam setup the day before your date. Decide if you plan to use your smartphone, laptop, or tablet, and if you’re able, keep the camera at eye level. Then, be sure you have everything set up in a spot in your home where the lighting is flattering.
Instead of having a big picture window behind you, which can backlight you and cause your face to be washed out, have the light source behind the camera or above it. Experiment a bit to get everything positioned just so and then call a friend to test everything and get his or her feedback on how you look.
Relax and Have Fun
Yes, this date will definitely be different than the rest. But if you hit it off and start a relationship, it will be something you can chuckle about for years to come. Just remember to forego the comfortable pants for a nice outfit, work together to come up with some activities to fill up the time, and be proactive about your lighting and equipment setup. Then sit back, relax and enjoy getting to know this new person — all through the power of technology.
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