Here’s How Cannabis Can Accentuate Your Meditation Process!

How Cannabis Can Accentuate Your Meditation
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With the pandemic crippling our lives in many ways, millions of people find themselves overwhelmed with anxiety and stress. Those waves of sudden inexplicable fear make you do anything. Isn’t it? 

Naturally, you look around to find a solution that helps you be calm and focused in such a state. And meditation is one such way to redefine your ways to deal with stress. And pairing it with cannabis can further accentuate the benefits of this entire process. 

Yes, you heard it right! But many of you must be thinking, why meditate? We’ve tried to answer the “why” of meditation by including cannabis in this article. Keep reading and find out more!


How Does Meditation Help You?

When it comes to stress reduction, meditation shows an immense benefit on every aspect of stress-related issues. For instance, it helps to improve your immune response, problem-solving capabilities, and even sleep-related disruptors. 

One study found that after an eight-week mindfulness-based stress reduction, the participants showed a decrease in anxiety symptoms, stress, and enhanced overall wellness. In short, if you are looking to reduce stress or related symptoms, switch to meditation. 


Why Should You Include Cannabis in it?

Let’s be a little practical. Not everyone is willing to try meditation. Perhaps they are so stressed that they are unable to settle a routine. Some even struggle with chronic pain issues that even the thought of sitting down or observing thoughts itself feels very overwhelming. 

But studies confirm that cannabis can easily make it easier for such would-be meditators to settle in their practice. Various experts suggested that it help them go deeper into their meditations. In fact, many strains help them to conquer their fears. 

A lot of people are even using vaping to relax into a meditation process. This is why many providers are coming up with many healthier options to help customers maintain their health. For instance, if you go to website, you will find a variety of Yocan dry herbs and wax vaporizers that offer to promote a healthy lifestyle. 

Is it even true? 

Well! There is science behind this. The cannabinoid receptors are present in our brain. They are usually responsible for maintaining homeostasis. So when you consume cannabis, it helps balance these three neurotransmitters like glutamate, dopamine, and GABA. When present in the proper levels, these chemicals help to relax, focus and settle quickly.


Points to remember:

Every person is different. So, your experiences with cannabis will be different. So, there is no one-size-fits-all thing when incorporating cannabis in your meditation. However, here are some tips that can help you kickstart your meditation process.

  • If you are struggling with pain, opt for a strain or product that’s high in beta-caryophyllene.
  • If you are unable to relax, opt for linalool.
  • If you can’t focus well, try limonene.

In short, you must have suitable terpenes to gain maximum benefits.

Final words

Meditation is by far the best way to alleviate your stress. And if you add cannabis, you will have the right motivation to get going with the process.

Photo by Daniel Friday Danzor from Pexels

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