Priscilla Rainey wants her money now and she’s not playing. Back in 2016, Rainey won a sexual assault case against The Game and was awarded $7.1 million by a judge; however, she claims it’s been very difficult collecting her funds and is going after UMG (Universal Music Group) now. In August 2015, Rainey initially filed the sexual assault case after she said the “How We Do” star sexually abused her on the set of VH1’s reality show She Got Game. The reality show contestant claimed that the Compton native got stoned and inebriated and “forced his hand inside her dress to rub her bare vagina and buttocks.” Nonetheless, The Game has maintained his innocence throughout the case and denies Rainey’s allegations.
In September 2018, a new trial motion was tossed out, so Rainey went after the “From Adam” rapper’s royalties. A judge granted a motion in 2019 that permitted the sexual assault accuser to collect music royalties from The Game until the post-verdict interest ($7.1M) is fully reimbursed. Since then, Rainey says she’s only amassed $384K from the music royalties. As a result, Rainey, is now targeting the hip hop star’s record label, UMG, in order to accrue the remainder of her monies.
The fresh legal documents read, “Ms. Rainey respectfully requests that a post-judgment writ of garnishment be issued commanding Universal Music-MBG NA LLC, the Garnishee named above, to answer the writ of garnishment according to law, along with such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper.” From day one, the “Hate It Or Love It” spitter has been rebellious about the case, declaring not to ever give the accuser one cent. In 2016, The Game vowed Rainey “WILL NEVER see $10,000,000 or anything close to a penny of my money.”
In regards to The Game‘s sexual assault accuser attempting to collect the rest of her $7.1 million judgement, UMG has yet to release a statement. Meantime, the West Coast rap legend recently posted on Instagram that he’s done playing the field and is presently looking for a wife. “I’m putting a ring on it this year all you gotta do is show up for me like I show up for you & pick a date,” said The Game via his social media story.
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