[INTERVIEW] Sunday Best Winner Melvin Crispell, III, Creates Award Winning Music, As He Follows in His Parents Footsteps

Melvin Crispell III interview

Sometimes God takes you on a journey that you are unsure how to navigate. You’re not sure if you have the correct pieces or tools with you in order to complete the mission that has been placed on you, so what do you do? How do you continue to follow blindly to where he is taking you without knowing where it is that you are going? The answer is FAITH. Sometimes our life doesn’t go  as we imagine.  We may have a dream that we are trying to reach and just don’t know exactly how we are suppose to get there. Melvin Crispell, III, had a dream as well. His dream was to follow in his parents footsteps, it was to be a Gospel singer and spread the word so that others can also know who Jesus is. But the path that he knew he was meant to cross wasn’t the way he pictured it. It wasn’t flowers and rainbows, there was storms, grief, obstacles & an abundant amount of pressure, but in his faith he stood strong.  Our Melvin Crispell, III interview dives into it.  

Son of Melvin Crispell Jr. & Tunesha Crispell, Melvin grew-up in a musical family with both parents being well-known Gospel musicians themselves. Melvin Jr. dedicated his life to the industry as he composed many award-winning songs with well-known Gospel artists. His mother, Tunesha was featured in choir recordings as well as having her own solo career. Unfortunately, Melvin’s parents passed away during his teenage years, only a couple of years apart. During the time Melvin dedicated his life to completing his mission and working towards his dream of being in the Gospel world. Melvin dedicated his life to making his parents proud. He followed the word, the music, and created a future for himself that most dream of, all because he had faith. 

After the passing of his parents, Melvin went after the one thing that could heal, create peace and help him find hope, which was his faith in Jesus.


In 2019, Melvin won season 9 of BET’s hit series, Sunday Best. He placed his family’s legacy in his hands and created a pathway of hope.

From there, Melvin dropped his debut album I’ve Got A Testimony in 2020, where he declared that there is no FAILURE in God.

In 2021, “Wonderful is His Name” was Grammy nominated for the Best Gospel Performance/Song, which was found on his 2020 album. It was a rendition of his late father’s song, which was a major celebration for the artist.


More recently Melvin was nominated for Best Gospel Performance/Song for his single “God Is,” appears on his newest album No Failure that dropped June of 2023. 

The 2-time Grammy Nominee has continued to dedicate to his mission by revealing the word that God has placed on his heart. He has not allowed for the obstacles to take control over his life, instead he’s hopped over them. He continues to show his fans and the people of the world that his testimony is real. He continues to share that he knows God makes no mistakes, “there is NO FAILURE in God”. 

Our Melvin Crispell, III interview speaks on all of his accomplishments, new goals and the exceptional way he continues to share God’s message. 


Melvin Crispell III parle mag

Parlé Mag: After your parents passing, how was the journey for you? 
Melvin Crispell, III: That journey for me is still an ongoing journey, I can say that. I think one of the beautiful things about the journey itself is just the testimonies that come with it. You know, I was very young at the time, I lost my dad when I was 17. I was going through a lot then just trying to navigate high school and trying to find myself then as a person. I was just trying to figure out what I wanted to do in life. But also during this time, my mom was still dealing with cancer. So it was just a very tough time for me. God was literally pushing me, having me go through these things to grow me, to build me and it may not have been the way I would have ever wanted it to be but looking back I’m just grateful at how far he brought me and not just talking about in my career but in my personal life. With my mental state, with my heart, I’m just grateful that I’m not where I was. But I’m grateful for the journey, I feel like I needed it to make me stronger, to make me wiser and to make me more trusting of this planet. 

Parlé Mag: Did that motivate you to be in the industry or were you already prepared to be in the industry? 
Melvin Crispell, III: I definitely already wanted to be in the industry as a kid, I always wanted to be a singer. I didn’t know exactly how it was going to happen, didn’t know that this was the come out or the catalyst of what was going to push me into it but I always wanted to be a part of it. 


Parlé Mag: How did it feel winning Sunday Best, and proving to yourself that you have the ability to go far? 
Melvin Crispell, III: Yes! That journey for me on Sunday Best was incredible! I didn’t think that I was qualified or even good enough to be on something like that. But the moment that I received the call that I actually got on the show, from there God lined up everything for me. There were some nights where I didn’t think I was going to make it, I kept my bags semi-packed. I am grateful, winning that show, it was an amazing feeling. I was super nervous because I didn’t know what the outcome was going to be but to win that show it just showed me that I am good enough and God has created me to be who I am. He has created me to be good enough & qualified to make it. I am grateful for that. 

Parlé Mag: You’re a 2-time Grammy nominee, your song “God Is” is rising on all charts. How are you feeling in this moment? 
Melvin Crispell, III: It’s still an unexplainable feeling. I grew up seeing people win stellar awards, Emmy Awards, Oscars all that but I never thought that at this stage, this early stage of my life I would be nominated. Just to be nominated, to be recognized for the hard work that we do, that we put in for this album is unexplainable. I’m super grateful for God because I know it was only God who paved the way for this to be. Of course there are a lot of people and systems in place that helped as well but I also know that it is a God thing and I am super grateful. Every time someone says “congratulations”, I’m like wow, it still shocks me. Just to be amongst legends, people who I grew up listening to and being inspired by and to be recognized on that level is just incredible. 


Parlé Mag: Have there been in obstacles or challenges that you had to overcome? 
Melvin Crispell, III: Absolutely, everyday is a new day and everyday comes with its own challenges. Whether it be in my own personal life or in my career because I am still at a place of healing and growing. I’m still trying to build my life back up to not what it was but to what it will be. Of course I struggle in my career, still trying to figure out how to juggle everything as far as recording music, traveling. There are so many different things that come but I think that my focus is the feeling of God’s kingdom for ministering to his people. Whatever opportunity I get, I think that keeps me going. One of the things that has really been keeping me going lately is seeing so many children. Whenever I see a video of children, of babies singing the songs and just knowing the music, knowing the runs, whatever it may be it’s so inspiring that God is using me to inspire generations. That is what really pushes me through and inspires me to keep going.

Melvin Crispell III No Failure album cover

Parlé Mag: What was the inspiration behind your newest album  No Failure and what is the difference between this album and your last?
Melvin Crispell, III:  I think that I’ve Got a Testimony was in a place where I was fresh in the industry, fresh out of Sunday’s Best, also dealing with the loss of my parents. That album was talking about that I am here and I have something to say, I have a story to tell. I really want to get this message out that there is hope for people. But I think going into this album is kind of not necessarily a continuation but an album of growth, and it may not be growth exponential , like I’m 0-100 but I made it to 0-30 and I’m not where I was and I had the opportunity for new stories to be told and there are new messages that need to be told too. There are more people that need to know that there is hope in hopeless situations. It is really to build faith and to say hey everything doesn’t look the way it should, everything may not feel the way you want it to feel but God is still in control. We serve a God that just does not fail. It’s pretty wild because coming up with the title of this album, we were working on songs and ‘No Failure and Here’, were two songs that were written by my church family right before the pandemic and God dropped it in my spirit to say hey think about these songs. When I found the audio files for them, listening to them I was like yes we have to have them. This is the message, I believe that every song on the album if you trace the story, they all lead back to knowing that there is no failure in God.


Parlé Mag: You’ve also had your first live performance of your Christmas song ‘First Noel’ how was that performance? 
Melvin Crispell, III: That was amazing, it was a quick turn around, quick process and I really didn’t know what to expect of the process itself. But I am grateful because it really taught me how to be able to move quickly, move efficiently and with grace. I was really happy to record the First Noel and what it’s already doing. I am excited to reach a bigger audience, reach more people to say “Hey what is this guy singing about or let’s hear more from him”. So I am grateful for the opportunity. But recording the song was fun, we recorded it, I would say in a day and a half so it was a quick process but I loved being able to make something beautiful happen in a short amount of time, it was beautiful.

Parlé Mag: It seems to me that you’re truly learning how to balance it all and you are doing it gracefully. But how are you keeping yourself sane through the hectic life you have? 
Melvin Crispell, III: I am mainly an introvert so as long as I can have a day or two to myself to just be me, to go catch a movie or just relax, so that I am able to reset and refocus I will be okay. I will be able to come back refreshed and inspired to do something new.



Currently, Melvin is traveling around the cities, singing at different churches and ministering with the people in person, as he continues to spread the word and his testimony. He will be in multiple cities and may even show up at your church, you don’t want to miss out on this incredible man and all that he has to sing about. You can find his tour dates here

How can the story of your life be a testimony to others? Are you following the path that God has placed in your heart? Melvin Crispell III interview inspires us to create a new beginning for ourselves as we remember that there is NO FAILURE in God. 


Listen to  the last album from Melvin Crispell III No Failure HERE

Main Image Credit:  Chris Cavanaugh

Additional Images:  RCA Records


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Jasmine Yates
Jasmine Yates is an old soul. Born in Raleigh, NC raised in Atlanta, GA she is what many would call a "southern bell." She has found her passion in creative writing while bringing a different perspective to stories. Been in the industry for 5 years but to her it still feels like the beginning. Without a college education, Jasmine has shown great value as a writer and has continued to take the lead in her own education. She has interviewed popular entertainers such as Dondria, Quvenzhane Wallis, Jermaine Williams & TravQue. She has written for Way To Parent Lifestyle, Parle & LOVEBSCOTT. When she isn't at the computer typing away, she is either reading or enjoying a night out in the town. Besides her passion in journalism, she truly enjoys spending time with her family & friends.