Pen-Up: An Event for the Musically Talented

“This event is for you.” said Sean Beasely, co-creator of Pen-Up, a monthly event where writers and music emerge. Beasely along with his partner Douglas Delaney, produced the meeting for songwriters, music producers, managers and passionate music creators to gather together with a panel of professional musicians and get your questions answered about working in the competitive industry. Not only does this three hour event offer a helpful Q&A session but there’s also the opportunity for your very own songs to be heard and reviewed by popular music producers.
I had the joy of attending one of their latest events which went down September 30th at the Los Angeles School Audio Engineering Institute (SAE). That night’s panel included musical talent such as Chuck Harmony, “Skid” and Stephen Francis to name a few. We’re talking engineers, creative directors and producers from L.A. Reid, Bad Boy and MTV.
Everyone in attendance which I would say was an audience of at least 60 creative minds had their questions answered about how to be successful in the music industry. “I only have one career and opportunity to cash in on my gift,” said Chuck Harmony, a music producer that’s worked with R&B songstresses such Fantasia and Keri Hilson.
Although music is not my fortay one note of advice stuck with me. It came from music coordinator of Bad Boy, “Skid,” telling us that he does in fact go onto social networking websites such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook  to check out your music videos and messages. So never give up because he just may be watching your music channel on YouTube. It’s possible, just look at Justin Bieber.
If you don’t live in the Los Angeles area don’t worry because I’m here to give you a few informative tips that can transform your hustle into an actual career. First, never sign a publishing deal with a publisher…that’s not an actual publisher. We all want to get paid but always make sure you’re not getting scammed by someone that’s trying to come up just like you are said Harmony.
The entire panel agreed that you must stay up to date with music. And not just the genre of music you wish to produce but ALL sounds of music because, “how can you make a record with Rihanna, if you don’t even like her music?” asked Douglas.
A quick intermission followed the panel discussion, which was then lead by listening to songs which were submitted by a few songwriters in the audience. Not only did the talent that was sitting at the rectangular shaped table listen and review the provided music, but a well-known music producer that just so happened to be in the studio with rapper Nas, gave his feedback via UStream also.
Now that I think of it anyone with a working computer and internet connection can login to PenUp’s UStream account and Twitter and sit-in on live events.  Submit your questions via Twitter and one of the panelists will tweet you back. If you’re striving to one day sit at that panel and discuss your musical success then I suggest you attend one of PenUp’s monthly events; whether it’s in person or online.
Follow PenUp on Twitter:

“This event is for you.” said Shaun Beastley, co-creator of Pen-Up, a monthly event where writers and music aficionados emerge. Beastley along with his partner Delaney Douglas(pictured standing above), produced the meeting for songwriters, music producers, managers and passionate music creators to gather together with a panel of professional musicians and get your questions answered about working in the competitive industry. Not only does this three hour event offer a helpful Q & A session, but there’s also the opportunity for your very own songs to be heard and reviewed by popular music producers.

I had the joy of attending one of their latest events at the Los Angeles School Audio Engineering Institute (SAE). That night’s panel included musical talent such as Chuck Harmony, “Skid” and Stephen Francis to name a few. We’re talking engineers, creative directors and producers from L.A. Reid, Bad Boy and MTV.

Everyone in attendance, which I would say was an audience of at least 60 creative minds had their questions answered about how to be successful in the music industry. “I only have one career and opportunity to cash in on my gift,” said Chuck Harmony, a music producer that’s worked with R & B songstresses such Fantasia, Chrisette Michele and Keri Hilson.


Although music creation is not my forté, one note of advice stuck with me. It came from music coordinator of Bad Boy, “Skid,” telling us that he does in fact go onto social networking websites such as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook  to check out your music videos and messages. So never give up because he just may be watching your music channel on YouTube. It’s possible, just look at Justin Bieber.

Producer, Chuck Harmony

If you don’t live in the Los Angeles area don’t worry because I’m here to give you a few informative tips that can transform your hustle into an actual career. First, never sign a publishing deal with a publisher…that’s not an actual publisher. We all want to get paid but always make sure you’re not getting scammed by someone that’s trying to come up just like you are, said Harmony.

The entire panel agreed that you must stay up to date with music. And not just the genre of music you wish to produce but ALL sounds of music because, “how can you make a record with Rihanna, if you don’t even like her music?” asked Douglas.


A quick intermission followed the panel discussion, which was then lead by listening to songs, which were submitted by a few songwriters in the audience. Not only did the talent that was sitting at the rectangular shaped table listen and review the provided music, but a well-known music producer that just so happened to be in the studio with rapper Nas, gave his feedback via UStream also.

Now that I think of it anyone with a working computer and internet connection can login to PenUp’s UStream account and Twitter and sit-in on live events.  Submit your questions via Twitter and one of the panelists will tweet you back. If you’re striving to one day sit at that panel and discuss your musical success then I suggest you attend one of PenUp’s monthly events; whether it’s in person or online.

Follow PenUp on Twitter:


Images by Breanne Patterson for Parlé Magazine

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