Back in July, CBS quietly launched a new series titled, Pink Collar Crimes. The series is described as an outrageous true crime series inspired by a growing crime wave in the country: felonious females. On the third episode, airing Saturday August 11th, the show profiles Jamila T. Davis, naming her The She-Wolf of Wall Street.
Jamila T. Davis is a Queens, New York native who was sentenced to 12 1/2 years in prison for bank fraud. Before her life took a crazy turn to the penitentiary, Jamila was a real estate investor and Hip-Hop and professional sports celebrity advisor. Jamila came home from prison a year ago, after serving nearly a decade in prison. CBS is helping share her story of overcoming and redemption.
Check Out Sneak Peaks of the Episode Below:
About Pink Collar Crimes
Pink Collar Crimes is an outrageous true crime series inspired by a growing crime wave in the country: felonious females. These are the impossible-to-believe, often absurd, true stories about the most unexpected women — PTA moms, country-club chairwomen, and more — who took big risks, pocketed big cash and then served hard time. Each episode includes insight and analysis from prosecutor, author, and television correspondent Marcia Clark.
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